Lucien let out a small chuckle at his response. [color=burlywood]"I'm sure you will."[/color] He responded. For a moment he watched the man go, before he then headed back to his own trailer to get some of his things together. He wanted to be able to make the most out of the time he had tonight. He changed out of his ringleader outfit and into more casual clothing, and pulled out a black duffel bag from under his bed, where he kept everything he needed for tonight, before he put on his coat and quietly left his trailer. No one ever really questioned his leave, as most had taken it as the Ringleader wanting time for himself after their closing nights, so he was quite glad no one really prodded him for information. Really the only people he wanted to really avoid finding out about this were Illy and Aurel, because he knew they wouldn't like it. Lucien drove to town, parking in front of a small home. It was a home he recognized.. from years ago, back from their travelling days. He had healed a middle aged man who was slowly growing blind. He had been the only provider in his family, so him losing his sight would have cost them their livelihood. The man had always said he would be forever indebted to him for his aid. Knowing connections in towns would be needed for future visits, he had decided to make his family his contact for when he was going to stop by. He knew he had to spread the word somehow, and had discovered this was the best way. That was why he had the carnie sent a letter ahead, so they would know to do so. He gave the door a soft knock, and an old man answered the door, immediately smiling upon seeing him. [b]"Ah.. Lucien.. it's good to see you return so soon, come in, come in."[/b] He said, motioning for him to come inside. As they walked into the living room, he spotted the man's wife, who he gave a smile to. [color=burlywood]"Yes.. It is good to see you both again Martin, Linda. Due to some circumstances we made another stop in this town, I figured some would be able to make use of that."[/color] He said. [b]"Well we're glad to see you are well, feel free to use the room in the back and the bath, I know you like to get straight to work."[/b] His wife spoke up. He nodded, giving them a thank you before he headed down the hall. Out of everything this.. was probably what he could admit he did not enjoy the most. Obviously as a Ringleader of a circus, his face could be easily recognizable if he wasn't careful. He wasn't just.. a traveler anymore, going from place to place. He took the spotlight sometimes, and that made it a lot more likely for people to be able to find and identify him as the one who went around providing healing to people. The only thing he could think of to.. work his way around that was to change his appearance completely and well.. dressing as a woman ended up being the best thing he could think of. His neutral features allowed for fluidity when it came to things like this, so aside from his height, it wasn't particularly hard to do so. If people identified him as a woman, there would be no way they would look at the Ringleader and think he was the one behind this, that at least.. was what he told himself. He had to admit it was a bit embarrassing.. With a sigh, Lucien made use of their bath, something he was glad to be able to enjoy every now and then, before he began to get ready, slipping into a long black dress and a dark cloak, finishing it off with a black wig of long black hair. All the dark colors made it easier to blend in during the night. He liked to stand out the least amount that he could. Taking a glance into the mirror when he was finished, he let out a sigh. It was unfortunate how easy it was for him to pull this off. The only thing he really had that betrayed him was the fact he was much taller than the average woman, but well, when you spent a lot of time sitting down and providing healing, people didn't really pay much attention to that. With that, Lucien took his leave to the designated area, which coincidentally enough ended up being an incredibly small church, run by the close friend of the old man he had saved. Upon going inside he could see a fair share of people who were already there waiting. [color=burlywood]"I'm sorry for the wait.. but I'll get started right away.. please line up here."[/color] He spoke in a soft, fluid American accent, with absolutely no traces of French. People were eager, and did as he asked. Lucien spent the next hours looking after each person, trying to identify their illness or disability, and then healing them of them. One of the things he was glad he had decided to study and read were the fair share of medicine books he had gotten a hold of, the knowledge had helped immensely in these kinds of situations. Lucien hadn't just.. wanted to heal people without knowing what it was that was afflicting them. Having the knowledge actually helped, because sometimes people didn't actually need his abilty, just proper treatment. Unlike in their previous visit, Lucien was actually able to get through everyone this time around, which he was glad for. It had however left him a bit tired, but no so much that he wouldn't be okay after getting some sleep. By then, it was around three thirty, and Lucien finally took his leave, heading back to Martin's home to change back into his normal clothing. He hadn't made a ridiculous amount, but it would definitely be a bonus to what tonight's show would bring them. He had decided he would use this money as emergency funds, just in case things didn't quite go as he hoped. [b]"Bless your kind heart, Lucien. We're thankful for what you do. Please.. feel free to visit us again any time, even if it isn't for business."[/b] Linda told him gently. [color=burlywood]"Thank you for your kind offer, and thank you for allowing me to come here to do this.. and for keeping my secret."[/color] [b]"Of course, lad. I owe you our lives for what you did for me and my family. I hope others realize how blessed they are. Good luck on your next stop."[/b] He told him, giving Lucien's hand a firm shake. With that, the Ringleader took his leave, and headed back to the circus just before four. The carnies knew what to do.. so he'd probably be able to catch a few hours of sleep at the very least.. he'd make the most of it. He was quiet and swift as he headed across the grounds and back to his trailer, to which he quietly closed the door. Kicking his duffel bag under his bed, he tossed the bag of coin on his desk and collapsed onto his bed, letting out a sigh. Sometimes it was easy to forget how tiring this could be but.. it was worth it.