It was reaching the end of the night as Aerendyl appeared from the forest outside Ravenshire. The small town had a hazy mist traveling through as dawn slowly approached. It was beautiful and made him feel like he was at home. [color=0054a6][i]Guess this is my home now.[/i][/color] He thought as he arrived at his little small cottage next to the tavern. It was fitting for a man of his... Stature to say the least. For as much as Aerendyl was an elf, he was also a werewolf. unlike most werewolves though, he lived a lot longer and had to deal with the fact that he was still and elf and age still carry's with him. being 400 though definitely has its perks. the amount of battles he got to be apart of was definitely work it. Aerendyl looked up at the moon one more time before entering his room and sighed. [color=0054a6]Just a few more days and I'll have to get out of here again. I'll let Danny know before I take off. Ask him to keep the roudy's out.[/color] Danny was the owner of the Tavern next door. The only person who knew anything about Aerendyl's past and what he was. Every full moon Aerendyl would ask him to keep watch over the house for him even though he knew no one would come into it. Not like he had much to take as it is. Whenever Aerendyl would leave he would take all his weapons with him, not that he'd need them. The moon shined bright, almost full at the looks of it, and Aerendyl made his way into the cottage and locked the door behind him. He then turned on the lights, kicked off his muddy boots, then made his way to the bathroom. In the light finally, blood could be seen dripping from his face and chest. Already shirtless, He turned the shower on full blast. His shower was fully enclosed with no way for the steam to escape. Made it easier for him to clean to blood off himself. As he removed his pants and entered the could of steam, Aerendyl though of the tale of how werewolves only come out on a full moon. Always made him laughed because if that were the case then whoever started that rumor should talk to the couple of moose that he just taken down. As much as he could turn into a werewolf whenever he wanted to, a full moon made him lose control and very dangerous to everyone around him. From what he knows only one person is able to keep the beast in check when ravenous. For that to happen Aerendyl would have to imprint on someone but after 250 years of this life he kinda lost hope that that was ever going to happen. Made for a lonely life but, he was content with it. Didn't want to put anyone elses life at rick if he could avoide it. Scrubbing the blood off, Aerendyl started to feel a little tired. It was another allnighter he just pulled. Once done, he grabbed the towel closest to him and dried off. He then grabbed his pants and tossed them into an already bloody pile of clothes. [color=0054a6]I need to do those when I get up.[/color] He said aloud as he then heard a knock on his front door. He wrapped the towel around himself then strolled on over to the door. [color=0054a6][i]Sigh[/i] Who could possible want my attention this early in the morning.[/color] As he approached his door, sun was already starting to shine through the window. The mist still looked like it covered the town, but this was normal for Ravenshire. The mist never really goes away. Once at the door, Aerendyl slowly unlocked it and opened to see Danny standing in the doorway. [color=0054a6]Danny, what are you doing here this early? You know this is when I go to sleep. It's been a long night too and I'd rather just go to sleep. Can't whatever it is wait until later?[/color] He sighed as he leaned against the door. [color=fff200]Aerendyl I'm sorry to bother you like this. You know normally I wouldn't come to you like this but we've been having a bit of a.. umm...[/color] Aerendyl shifted slightly as a new smell just reached his nose. He quickly pulled in Danny before he was able to finnish and slammed the door shut. He then pushed Danny against the door and snarled. Another perk of being a werewolf, he could still snarl as if he was in wolf form. [color=0054a6]You haven't been bitten have you?![/color] Danny gasped as he was pushed then cowered sightly knowing what could happen if he answered poorly. [color=fff200]No I haven't, but I can see that you already know the news. The just arrived this morning and asked for a room in the tavern for the day. I can only assume that something's going to happen tonight. I wanted to ask you if you would keep a watch on them make sure nothing bad happened.[/color] Aerendyl growled to himself and backed away from Danny. This was the last thing that he needed to hear this close to the full moon. As much as no one else knew it, Aerendyl did his best to protect the town when he could. [color=0054a6]You know it's almost a full moon right? Isn't there a hunter around that could deal with this?[/color] He sat down in his recliner and placed head in his leaft hand. [color=fff200]Yes but I don't trust anyone else with something like this other than you. I know how close it is to the full moon and I promise I'll make it up to you. Free drinks on me for the next month?[/color] Now this was something he liked to hear. As much and it took a while for him to even remotely get drunk, Danny always took care of him. [color=0054a6]Alright I'll do it, but if this lasts I need you to get everyone out of the town. Or atleast close the tavern. That should keep people away from this area atleast.[/color] Danny thanked Aerendyl and left slightly realizing what he just agreed to as the door shut behind him, sealing the deal. Aerendyl sighed again and locked the door, taking the towel off as he reached his bed. [color=0054a6]Vampires. Why did it have to be Vampires.[/color] He groaned as he shut his eyes and fell into a deep slumber.