The next day had come to life very early, as everyone had gotten up to do their respective duties. Akane ran around helping in what she could as usual, and Ivory had reluctantly dragged herself out of bed to 'help' even if there wasn't all that much for her to do at this point. Knowing that they would be going to the lake, she wanted to save the majority of her energy for that, considering filling the tank was usually quite the task. Aurel had tried to help out for a while, but had eventually tired and sat to take a break in the mess area, blanket wrapped partially around him. He wasn't really.. as active as he used to be. This time around he did have a snake with him, Bengal, who had wanted to tag along. He figured among all his snakes he had the best self control if he happened to run into Geralt. [b]"Headed to lake next yess? We will be able to hunt.."[/b] [color=#a7d3d4]"Yes.. I'm sure you will all be able to find plenty of prey.."[/color] He said, eyes trailing in the direction of Lucien's trailer. It wasn't normal for the Ringleader to sleep in, but on the last night of the circus it was a somewhat common occurrence. It was the day he took to himself, whether it was to go watch a movie or simply enjoy a night out. He was glad that Lucien was still willing to do this sort of thing. Everyone needed a break now and then, especially him. [b]"Worried?"[/b] [color=#a7d3d4]"A little.. the full moon's coming up soon.."[/color] He said with a sigh. --- It was a bit hard for Lucien to get out of bed the next morning, but he forced himself to do so. He still had a job to do, after all. Considering his outing last night, he still needed to count the earnings for the final night, and then divine the money earned to pay everyone. A small yawn escaped him as he got ready for the day, and took a seat at his desk to begin the count. He could hear the carnies out and about already, already taking down tents and beginning to load things up. Lucien knew that he had slept in quite a bit. Even then he still felt tired, but it wasn't incredibly obvious. He hid it well, and he wasn't about to let it get in the way of his job. He spent the next hour counting and dividing the money, each into a respective pouch of coin. When he was done, he wrote down the numbers, his way of being able to tell how impactful Geralt's joining of the circus would be to their profit. So far.. they had made much more than they had during their first stop. With what was leftover there would be enough to make it so they could stock up on gas and more supplies as well. When Lucien was finished with a pouch, he'd roll up the bills nicely, before tying them together with a rubber band and putting them at the top of the pouch before closing it. As usual, he stored Cora's money in the safe, and put the general circus' earnings, along with his own, in there as well. The rest he put into his drawer, since he would be giving them out during their meeting before they went on the road again. Now having finished all of that, Lucien finally left his trailer.