[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191210/868910c476ed94014497b0307988fc18.png[/img][/center] Lucina said nothing in return. She just watched as he vanished. Looking around she couldn't believe the sight before her eyes. Her beloved Aunt and Uncle had turned to stone in the very places they stood. Silent tears fell down her cheeks as shaking hands lightly touched her Aunts face. [color=red][i]"What do I do..?"[/i][/color] Lucina thought to herself. Waves of confusion and anger overwhelmed her. She would do anything to save her family, her mothers birth town. The one thing Lucina knew is she had to return to Count Voltaire. Had to reason with him. Do something to save them. Without second thought she grabbed the essentials she felt necessary and headed out the door. Heading for another journey; into new territories and dark secrets.