[@Lucius Cypher] Gromgard smiled to himself as Mamoru and the scouts returned with a third living prisoner. [color=f1f101]"They'll be safe in my torture room. We can get our answers there."[/color] With a wave of his hand, he sent the goblins with the 3 prisoners back to the Chateau. With the exceptions of the 5 scouts and the pair of artists, the rest went back through the tunnel, which closed behind them. Looking at Penn and Shill, he made sure they knew to stay close. He didn't want them to get lost or attacked again. He then sent the scouts into the trees to act as their hidden guard. Looking to Mamoru, he nodded to her to lead the way. [color=f1f101]"Lead the way, milady."[/color] he smirked, curious about what she had planned. As they traveled further into the forest, Penn and Shill kept stopping to make quick sketches about pictures they wanted to draw. At one point, they asked for a break for a particularly difficult scene they wanted to draw with Gromgard and Mamoru posing in it. Gromgard didn't give in until they began pleading for his magnificence to be captured in their art. He didn't know how Mamoru would act.