It might not have been a hoverboard like on Hahn, but he could make do. The wind was almost unbearable, and the air pressure would have crushed almost anything smaller than a human being. But this was where the pilot shined like a collapsing star. He might not have the same control and combat ability as Sayeeda, but he was expert when it came to agility and balance. High g, low g, no g, air pressure, tight rope, it was one of Neil's gifts. While the others were hurtling through the air, within seconds he knew just how to maneuver, and he took a moment to appreciate the stars above them. Cylonieka was truly a beautiful planet, much like ancient Terra from the holorecords he'd seen back in school. The sea expanded beyond all senses, the mountains rose out of the sea like trees, and the island they were set to land on appeared past a wisp of cloud. Since he had taken a liesurely descent, he saw Sayeeda ahead of him by 100 meters, with Saxon a few meters behind and a dozen meters to the north of her. The Hex's bulk was likely helping him move faster without his complete consent, and for a single moment Neil had a dark thought of if he could cause the Xeno's glider to malfunction. Not out of any real jealousy, but because the monstrous humanoid had still promised to kill him someday. Then again, with Neil's luck the mother fucker would survive, and recently they had been able to at least work together. He pushed the thought aside and instead decided to make the best of the situation. He might not hamper him, but he could fuck with him. Increasing speed, Neil banked to the left. They had all begun to slow the second they left the Highlander, but Neil picked up velocity until he was .6 the speed of sound, easily encroaching upon the Hexanagallion's airspace. Once Saxon noticed Neil to his right, Neil couldn't help but laugh. The Xenos seemed even more like an asteroid upclose, heavy and going in a lumbering, straight route. "Hey Swamp water, need some help?" Neil called through the comm. "Flee my presence, whelp" Saxon growled back, but Neil instead decided to scoop into an ascent before incredibly spinning, end over end over the Hex to steady himself on the other side of him. "Sorry, can't hear you! This wind is so loud I can barely think. I guess that's how you feel most of the time, eh?" The Hexa lurched at him, only to lose balance for a moment and sink a few meters, before he righted himself. Neil had dodged expertly, then waved at him from above. He cupped his hands, even though the mic was still on. "You're getting the hang of this!" He called, and turned off Saxon's garbling curses as they were merely a mile and a half above the island. It looked to be a seashell, a near circle of mountains with an abrupt end at its eastern edge, likely where much of its sea-going vessels were held. Each member of the squad began to slow their flight, and the beacon on their radar was located at the southern edge of the jungle just between the mountainous beach and the inner island. "See you guys ground side!" Neil called to both of them. [@Penny]