Aerendyl watched as the Vampire walked up to the counter. She greeted them softly, which rang through his ears. He looked her cloak over and could tell that she was some big politics woman. Judging by the way she walked and her cloak looked she must be pretty important. Danny was quick to respond before Aerendyl could open his mouth. [color=fff200]Hello miss. Welcome to the Ravenshire Tavern. Is there anything that my partner and I can get for you? Breakfast? Ale? Or maybe something harder? We are open 24//7 for those who's night is day and day is night.[/color] Aerendyl could tell that this Vampire must be very beautiful since Danny's thick Scottish accent started to come through. He only really talked like that when he got flustered. Even though the woman was right in front of him, he still couldn't tell what she looked like. He stood at a good 6ft 3in and she looked very short compared to him. She didn't seem to respond to Danny right away which Aerendyl thought maybe it was his accent that tripped him up. [color=0054a6]Sorry for him. It's hard to understand Danny sometimes. What can we get for you?[/color] He said trying to keep a good composure. Danny glanced over at him slightly annoyed by what was said, but went back to look at the woman with a smile. He waited to see what she would say if anything at all.