[color=6ecff6][h3][b]Terneus Andros[/b][/h3][/color] [i][color=fff79a]Time: Morning Place: Shack[/color][/i] He had missed? There was simply no way that disgusting beastman had evaded his magic. It would require skills, which the governor thought was unavailable to what he considered to be lower standings of life. It must have been a mistake by his own hand, maybe he got something in his eye. To admit that the beast had been swifter than his hand of justice, now that was beyond all form of reason for the elf. The vulpine, or the beast as Terneus would address all of the demi-human species had taken cover behind a round table in the room. Then he had drawn some form of fans, Terneus knew fans like this. It was used by servants to fan his form when he was too warm from working too hard. And the populace surely knew that already as he was a busy man. The vulpine however did address him in a very arrogant sounding tone, well to Terneus ears it surely were. [b][color=6ecff6]"My most important military asset? What are you? A jester? I cannot memorize every name, especially not names for beasts! I have seen fans like those amongst my servants, do you think that is going to deter someone of my magnitude, of my magnificence? You know nothing of pride, you lice ridden infested rat! How dare you address me in such a manner!"[/color][/b] The elf snarled as he pressed his boot down against Baraian's arm, veins starting to become visible on the elf's forehead. This creature, as far as he knew, was getting on his nerves. Even though Terneus considered his patience vast and admirable, it had it's limits... [b][color=6ecff6]"Your mother? You think I care for an old beastly crone? My platoon? You foolish creature, do you really think I care for any life other than my own? They are expendable, they all are. I can find new servants... I don't care how many lesser beings that has to die in order for my ascension. As far as I care, this city can burn. Oh and if I do get you then I can certainly use you against your mother to remove her. Enjoy knowing that, you dirty peasant. As long as I can take the city's wealth, I don't care about beings of lesser worth. And I will. As easily as I can take your life. Ho ho ho..."[/color][/b] He laughed in a mocking manner, fanning his face with his mirror. [b][color=6ecff6]"Better than me? You arrogant cretin! You speak of assassins, oh if they would only dare step up to me. I, the star which shine the brightest. They would pale in comparison to my radiance, just like you do with your mundane and inferior beastly skills. You are the wretch that's going to die here, not me. Certainly not me."[/color][/b] He seemed to almost choke on a combination of amusement and a chuckle, as if he was mid-way eating a very expensive dish at the behalf of some poor starving peasants. Terneus readied his mirror again, using his other hand behind it.[b][color=6ecff6] "Farewell, beast. Better luck in your next life, pray that you will be born an elf..."[/color][/b] Terneus mused as he targetted the table with his magic, intending on shooting it into oblivion with those beams of light, while he gave Baraian's arm a stomp with his boot to prevent him from interfering.