Hey, there. I'm Sleip. I have some time on my hands, after a bit of an absence. So, I decided to make a 1x1 Interest Check. [b]A few things to keep in mind[/b]: I don't really care for building plots around romance. I don't tend to do fandom stuff. I can be persuaded, I guess, though. I am not the fastest in the world to respond. Be patient, yeah? I am a big fan of character building. World building as well. [b]The plots below will be skeletons[/b]. I don't want to write out a huge idea. I want us to just kind of roll with things. [hider=1]This idea revolves around a future where magic and technology co-exist, but magic is a gift that nearly everyone has. Ranks are given to those gifted with magic. From [i]S[/i] at the top, to [i]E[/i] at the bottom. We'll be following a cast of characters involved with the mysterious disappearance of an [i]S-Rank[/i] officer in the Police Coven. The disappearance of this officer is supposedly tied to a drug called Lotus. I intend to make a character named [i]Shin Sagosi[/i] (male), as well as [i]Kara Tempa[/i] (female). Shin will be a manufacturer and Kara will be a detective. You're free to pick which side we start on.[/hider] [hider=2]Each night, the world is inverted and twisted into an unrecognizable playground for abominations. Few people realize this. Those who do refer to the phenomenon as 'The Shadow Kaleidoscope'. Similar to something like [i]Persona 3[/i], we'll be picking up with characters in a dorm specifically inhabited by those who can perceive The Shadow Kaleidoscope. I have no particular gender preference, on this one. We'll pick up on a normal day, and move onto the horrors that await in the night.[/hider] [hider=3]Samurai. Embellished samurai. That's really what I have in mind, for this. I want us to take some badass sword-slingers, in whatever sort of setting, and make something interesting with it. Thinking we could involve Mecha, as well. Again, no preference on what kind of character I play.[/hider] Those were the first three to come to mind. I'll be adding more, sometime later in the day or tomorrow. Thanks for stopping in. Later.