The chilly air brushed up Charlie's legs, causing her body to shudder in the cold as she instinctively wrapped her arms around her torso. The concrete stairs added to the gelid feeling against her legs as she stared at the distraught woman. Her face was twisted in grief and confusion as her head snapped up to look at Charlie. Despite the doleful expression of this mysterious person, Charlie was still startled by her piercing, dark eyes that threatened to spill glimmering tears onto her flushed cheeks. They were haunting and beautiful and Charlie knew that her hopeless romantic ways would have gotten lost in the depth of her iris' given another circumstance. But this evening she fought of the urge to stare deep into her mystifying eyes and shook her head in an attempt to reorganize her muddled thoughts. The woman went on, and Charlie let her talk, she looked as if she needed a good ramble. Charlie found herself unconsciously touching her clothes, hair and face. Pulling her thin, blond hair back into a high ponytail that, even though it was sloppily thrown together, made her look cute and dainty. Her round face and large eyes gave her such an appeal of innocence and youth that many people mistook her for younger then she actually was. It worked in her favor sometimes, but mostly it was just annoying and frustrating. Like right now, next to this beautiful, older woman, Charlie couldn't help but think about every single flaw about her body. From the blemishes on her skin, to her flimsy hair didn't hold any kind of curl, or the way her clothes fell off her thin frame making her look weaselly and odd. Charlie looked at the woman and gave her a friendly smile, ignoring her self-conscious thoughts. "Hey listen, if you need me to help you back to your car or something I-" She stopped as the moon fell onto the woman like a spotlight, exposing her exotic features. 'She's beautiful.' Charlie's mind was stunned for a minute as it took in the almost other-worldly beauty that this stranger possessed. The way her dark hair was in contrast to her pale skin, the clothes that made her look relaxed yet sophisticated and more then a little sensual. Charlie silently scolded herself and almost missed the next thing the woman said. "Mark Rothers?" She murmured, trying to think of all the men that lived on this floor. Jared, Wade, Oliver... but she couldn't remember a Mark. "Sorry, I don't think I know him. He must have kept to himself." She knew most people who lived here, except for a few of the more introvert residents who were merely there for a place to live and didn't socialize with the other apartment dwellers much. Charlie was so deep in thought that she didn't notice at first, the weight of her companions hand against her knee. The hand was cool, and chilled Charlie's skin. Yet, just as quickly as the weight had appeared, it drew away. Charlie watched as the stranger stood up and took her hand when offered. Standing beside her, Charlie rubbed her own arms a bit. The wind had picked up and was whirling around them when the other woman dropped the 'B' word. Boyfriend. Annoying impulsive, crazy boyfriend at that. Charlie could relate, before she had come to terms with who she really was she had her fair share of psycho guys. So she nodded sympathetically and sighed. "Boys majorly suck." Her voice wavered a bit as her teeth chattered in the cold. The woman's eyes were now dry, and Charlie was every bit as shocked as she had known she would be by the full intensity of her eyes. They expressed real grief as she explained about her lease and not having anywhere to stay, then apologizing profusely for her over over share. "Don't even worry about it." Charlie laughed slightly, a sound like tinkling bells. "I'm good at listening to problems." An idea dawned on her then, a way to help this poor woman and maybe even find herself a roommate, at long last. “Hey, listen.” Charlie interjected quietly, placing a hand on the woman's arm lightly. Her skin was cool to the touch, sending a violent shiver through Char's body. “I've got a spare room that just won't keep a roommate.” She chuckled to herself and shook her head, thinking of all the randoms who had come to check the place out and never called Charlie back. Looking up at the darkening sky, she chewed her lip and thought deeply. She didn't want to come off as creepy or needy but she could tell this woman could really use some help. "If you want a place to stay for the night, you're more then welcome to crash there." This could be her chance to get a roommate who wasn't weird like all the other she had interviewed. It would be nice to finally have someone else to liven up her often dank apartment, and Charlie found herself anticipating the woman's answer. "It's a nice room. Oh, and I'm Charlotte by the way. But you can call me Charlie."