Geralt had returned to the circus right around noon. He'd been driven in most of the way by his escort, and dropped off just beyond sight of the circus grounds around a bend. He said goodbye to his one-time lover, she blew him a kiss, and as soon as she was out of sight around the bend, he displaced himself back to his trailer. He hadn't slept, but grogginess had evaded him. He'd spent the evening just how he had intended, in the company of the raucous and uncouth and had even managed to feel a little drunk for an hour or so. Once that had worn off, he'd gone home with two women and enjoyed the rest of the evening. The other left in the morning, and his ride had insisted on driving him. Not wanting to reveal anything to her, he accepted. Besides, his head was feeling a little heavy after the evenings events and the cool morning air did him some good. Once back inside the trailer, he looked himself over in the mirror. He looked as tired as he should feel after being up all night, but his mind was spinning. He knew that he would not be able to sleep today at least, so why waste it. He straightened himself up, pushing his hair off of his forehead, and adding a change of clothes to the mix. It was marginally better, but the bags under his eyes betrayed his body's fatigue. It was no matter, he doubted anyone would ask at all. They had learned rather quickly that he was not one to answer any question straight. He left his trailer and walked over to the mess area to retrieve a cup of coffee, hoping it may add some small modicum of spring to his step. Aurel was sitting there, back to him, and he could hear the lad's accented voice drifting towards him on the air. Was he talking to himself, or one of his serpentine companions? Just for a bit of fun, he walked silently towards the young man and didn't speak until he was right behind him. [color=crimson]"Is it the brightness that bothers you, or the perfect circular shape?"[/color] he asked, leaning forward and tracing a circle through the air. -------------------------------------------------- Illyana had finished overseeing most of the major breakdown by this time. There had been a couple of hiccups, but nothing major. She hadn't needed to wake Lucien, at least, though it was getting on to noon and he still hadn't emerged. She was just thinking of checking in on him to be sure he had made it back last night, and had turned to begin making her way across the grounds from the site of the big top. As she did so, she noticed Geralt and Aurel at the mess table, talking, and her brows furrowed instinctively. She couldn't hear them from here, and that caused her some uneasiness, but she did not want to insert herself and cause suspicion. Instead, she watched them from the corner of her eye as she made her way toward Lucien's quarters. As she reached the door, it opened, and the Ringleader stepped out. She stopped abruptly and laid a hand on her chest, [color=598527]"Oh! Lucien, you startled me. I thought you were still asleep."[/color]