Aurel jumped as he heard Geralt's voice behind him turning around to look at him. How long had he been standing there? Bengal had hissed, but hadn't made any movement toward him. It was the first time he had seen the man for himself. He slithered into a better position around his shoulders to get a better look at him, but made no aggressive movement otherwise, which Aurel was thankful for. [color=#a7d3d4]"Bother me?"[/color] He questioned. [color=#a7d3d4]"Ah.. no it doesn't bother me at all. It's quite the pretty sight.."[/color] He responded, relaxing a little. He would have to be careful of the things he decided to say out loud, considering how easy it seemed for the man to sneak up on people. Looking the man over, he could see the bags under his eyes. Had he not slept well? [color=#a7d3d4]"You seem tired.."[/color] He commented, though was unsure if he should actually ask him why. [color=#a7d3d4]"I hope you are.. adjusting well to this place."[/color] It was his attempt to be nice, since he didn't really want to make the man feel unwelcome, he knew Lucien wouldn't like that. -- Lucien raised his eyebrows slightly, not having expected to run into Illyana, though he supposed he had taken quite a bit of time. It was no surprise she had decided to come check on him. [color=burlywood]"I'm sorry."[/color] He apologized, before shaking his head. [color=burlywood]"No, I woke up a while ago, but I was counting our earnings and getting the pay ready. The totals were better than I expected.. more than the last time, actually. We will have enough to cover all of our expenses for the next town."[/color] He informed her. [color=burlywood]"I apologize for not leaving my trailer sooner, how long until we're good to go?"[/color] He asked, glancing at his pocket watch.