Aurel didn't respond right away, mostly because he knew he had to be careful with how he responded to Geralt's question. He was a smart man, and he knew he wasn't the best liar. [color=#a7d3d4]"It's.. not that big of a deal.. It's just harder to sleep.. The snakes are more active."[/color] He told him. That at least was not a lie. The full moon affected people and animals in different ways, at least that's Illy had told him from the books she had read. He [i]had[/i] noticed that his snakes tended to be more active on those nights, coming in and out of the trailer. Sometimes he gave up on sleep and spent the night with Lucien, since the man stayed up during those nights as well.. but there were other times that he was tired enough that he'd be able to sleep. It really just depended. [color=#a7d3d4]"Well.. as long as you aren't overworking yourself.."[/color] He responded in German. He wasn't really prepared to answer his next question, after all the man had only been with them a few days. [color=#a7d3d4]"I think.. well? Not that many people are used to life on the road like this.. and I hear you were a famous magician before this? I assume living conditions might have been different.."[/color] He said. -- It was unfortunate that Illyanna was really one of the few people he could not fool, no matter how hard he tried, but at least Lucien had been doing a good job at keeping what his late night task actually consisted of. He knew he wouldn't hear the end of it if she found out, so he knew he couldn't overdo it. He nodded in agreement as she spoke, scanning the area of the grounds as Illyana explained their progress. At her question he became pensive. He had actually been meaning to bring this up to Illy, even though he knew the woman wasn't fond of the magician. [color=burlywood]"I preemptively asked Sanford to buy some things already."[/color] He said, pausing for a moment. [color=burlywood]"However.. I feel we should take this chance to make Geralt feel a bit more welcome. I know things are still tense, but everyone did receive at least some sort proper welcome once they had settled in. We can take advantage of the chance we're filling Cora's tank to do so. A celebration of our good fortune, our new member, and our bright future."[/color] He told her.