Aurel was relieved that Geralt had accepted his response, he wasn't sure how much he could have explained if he had continued to pry. It was a valid excuse.. in his opinion. It was a bit surprising to hear Geralt laugh. He hadn't thought his statement was so funny. [color=#a7d3d4]"I'm sure there is."[/color] He simply agreed, seeing no need to push the topic further. Two pairs of snake like eyes followed Geralt as he moved to pour himself a cup of coffee. He decided to stick with German while talking to Geralt, since there was no one else around, and he [i]had[/i] told him he'd speak German with him while the chance arose. No one else was around either.. so it wasn't rude. He was curious of the man's response, part of him wanted to ask how, but he wasn't sure how much he'd get from that. [color=#a7d3d4]"Travelling is nice.."[/color] He said. Aurel had lived the majority of his life on the road, or generally travelling around, ever since he was a child. While his previous circus days were nothing compared to now, it had made it so it was easy for him to adjust to change. The life he lived now was definitely more comfortable, though he could not deny that he sometimes missed the old days... A fact he often kept to himself. He took note that the man sat a bit of a distance away, was it because of Bengal? He was glad for it regardless, mostly because he didn't want the snake to feel more unsettled. Aurel showed a bit of hesitation at Geralt's next question. [b]"Be careful of what you tell thiss man.."[/b] Bengal warned. He didn't have to be told twice. Giving too much information about himself would also give the man more information about Lucien, but he didn't want to make it seem like he was hiding something. Geralt seemed like the type of person to dig for things. [color=#a7d3d4]"I met Lucien when I was twelve.. before the circus was actually founded.."[/color] He responded. This was something he could probably figure out from the carnies that had been here with them during those days, so he didn't see the need to hide it. That would only make the man more curious. -- Lucien noted the change in Illyana's expression at his suggestion, but he had expected as much. He hoped that this wouldn't be an issue later. He honestly did want everyone to just get along.. but right now that was too much to ask for, there was still a lot of mystery surrounding the magician, and he knew it would be difficult for some people to accept that. Illyana and Ivory especially. He followed Illyana's gaze to the mess area. He could almost feel her anxiousness to want to go. At first glance it just seemed like they were having a conversation, and Geralt was keeping a decent distance, at least, but still he spoke up. [color=burlywood]"If you would, thank you. You can start with Geralt and Aurel."[/color] He said, motioning over in their direction. [color=burlywood]"If you have the chance, please spread the word among the carnies too, their pay is also ready. We might as well have the meeting in the mess area, since it's still up."[/color]