Neil saw Saxon's crashing descent, but with any luck they were far away enough from any ears to have it go unnoticed. Mere seconds later, Neil lowered into the canopy and unbuckled his harness just as the wings were getting caught on the branches. Unfortunately, the ground and the height of the trees had remained obscured to his vision, and when he was suddenly flung forward, he found himself with an extra 2 meters than he predicted before he hit the ground, with a tree in his was. In a reaction, he placed his feet in front and kicked off of the tree like a ping pong ball, hitting the ground more or less safely. "That was close," he said to himself, and picked up Junebug's question on the radio. "Yeah I'm good babe," He replied, kneeling down and unzipping his pack to retrieve his equipment. Fuck, he wished he had a personal forcefield, but those costed more than the reward Gredorious had given them. He pulled out his carapace fla-jacket, slipping his arms through and latching it up. Flexible, light weight, and could stop anything short of a shotgun shell at point blank. Next he grabbed his belt, fully loaded with the various tools he needed to infiltrate or to hack into any systems the rebels might have. He took out three weapons, ready and able. His pistol he kept holstered, his new grenade launcher with various different types of grenades located along his belt, and a battle carbine with a 3x-6x holographic scope he'd been assigned with for tactical missions like this. He honestly would rather go in gun blazing with him HMU-350 but he knew that likely wouldn't work in the end. Plus they had Saxon, and that was pretty much the same thing. They were supposed to rendezvous at the mountain base behind them, but seeing as they were all past the drop location, he saw the beacon on the HUD of his half helm that Junebug wanted them to move forward until they reached some crags in the middle of the jungle, close to the base. He acknowledged, and hefting his carbine, he moved forward into the thickets. The only visible part of Neil in the gloom would be the light of the three moons reflecting off his visor every so often. Something hissed to his left, but he never got a visual on the creature as he moved forward and trusted they would have told him if he had any fauna to fear in the jungle. Stepping over a fallen log entwined with red vines, he found himself as the rendezvous spot before the others. A few small boulders in the pattern of ridges along a lizard's back stretched for around 30 meters to the south, cutting right through the jungle. In the distance through the optic lens he could see the edge of the tree line just barely, and he placed the scope of his carbine before his eyes to see if there was any movement. For a brief moment, there was nothing. Followed by the barest flicker of something on the scope, and Neil remained perfectly still as he watched. A figure was in his line of sight, and he recognized it as a patrol man walking the path outside of the trees, looking positively bored. A grin widened on Neil's face. The party was about to begin. [@Penny]