Arther Arther listened to the Lizard King and the desert dweller as well as Fea and Rena he was not insulted or even annoyed in the least he actually chuckled at the fact these lower life form actually believed they where superior to him in anyway. Arther looked good the lowly lizard with a disrespectful and smug grin. “You are a king of beast who while somewhat capable of resisting your beastly urges are clearly still influenced by them as evidence by the rage building inside you and the fact you just threatened one of your students honestly it’s laughable that you think your pathetic lizard brain possesses anything even close to the intellect of even a new born high elf all you’ve succeeded in doing with that little out burst is that you are in fact unfit for your possessions at this ridiculous circus masquerading as an academy of higher education and therefore unworthy of the title of emperor if not the titled king as well maybe I should simply call you the alpha lizard form now on” Arther was literally laughing at Draco at this point as he turned his attention to Sekhemi “As for you, you call me scum while claiming you are a prince yet you entered this field with a literal parade in an attempt to fool the masses into thinking you are somehow relevant you should just return to the desert wasteland you call a kingdom before you embarrass yourself anymore then you already have.” Arthur then turned to fea “Aww the little putty cat wants to try and defend the pathetic teachers so even you know they are not fit for there perditions otherwise you’d let them fight their own battles but feel free to step up and take a shot anytime a glorified house cat couldn’t possibly hope to defeat me” Arther then looked to Rena with a arrogant gin and a confident look in his eye “So the child finally finds the nerve to speak up after letting her own students step up to defend her and the other pathetic excuses for teachers. Honestly if you want to give me a demonstration of your feeble power feels free I am not afraid of a challenge not that I think you could give me one without running off crying to mummy and daddy for help.” Arther then looked down on everyone in attendance addressing all of the rabble who have a problem with him at once. “Arrogance is the curse of perfection once one reached a certain level of superiority the jealous masses begin to judged them as arrogant and egotistical but a dark soul does not mean you are flawed it simply means you are dark aligned the world is in a constant state of balance darkened souls are a natural and perfectly acceptable part of that balance” Just them a three headed lizard spoke up and lunched an attack Arther’s throne formed a dome around him and the ballades began to glow blue with his Hydrokinisis creating a steal based physical barrier and a water based energy barrier easily blocking the pathetic attack as his blade dome formed back into a throne Arther for the first time burst out laughing at the three headed dragon. “Three heads, three brains and still zero brain cells all you dragons are the same either though blindly following your baser urges or though shear stupidity just look how that idiotic green gecko tore up that humans flesh and ripped is hair out of his head it’s laughable that you think you are a match for me but since you gave me a small taste of your feeble power I’ll give you a little demonstration of mine.” All the while Arthur was talking to the three headed fool he had a dozen blades floating around the battle field and around the dragon charging up kinetic energy then he fired out a dozen blasts of pure physic energy from every direction as a simple diversion the creature tried a teleportation attack on him so it was only right he retune the favour after the 12 blasts of physic energy blasted at him from 12 different directions all around him the blades would disappear and reappear at point blank range at various parts of his body focusing on his blind spots each one would then they would fire enough kinetic energy to blow and huge hole in a mountain Arthur then took the time to the flying mantaray who decided to speak about the near extinction of his pathetic race “We did not wipe you out because we believe you superior to us but because we knew you where not we knew you would be easy pickings and it would prove very profitable and we where right we benefit massively from the death of your feeble brethren and we would do it all again if we had the chance” Arther spoke with a calm cold tone and was barely able to contain his laughter as he said this