Geralt had been correct, the boy knew nothing of what his previous comment has insinuated. Oh well, it was no matter, plenty of time to explore that avenue when the time came. At his response, Geralt raised his eyebrows as he took another sip from his coffee mug. He let out a sigh of satisfaction, then nodded as he slowly brought his eyes from the liquid in his mug to Aurel's face once more. [color=crimson]"Ah...that explains the drawing I saw in Lucien's quarters. That must have been you."[/color] Geralt had his suspicions from the moment he laid eyes on the crudely drawn family portrait that Lucien kept in his chamber, but the signature in the corner had confirmed it. Aurel didn't know, however, that Geralt had been close enough to see that it was signed. He was simply using this as a tactic to gather information, and the drawing was a god way to ask about the past. [color=crimson]"Lucien and yourself were easy to recognize, of course. But...I noticed a redheaded pair in that picture, a larger man and a small girl. I was surprised to find out that Illyana is the little ginger. But, the man...I haven't seen anyone who even remotely looks like him around here. Is he simply hiding he no longer with us?"[/color] Geralt tried to keep his expression even when he asked, but a little bit of his wicked smile poked through. The night had left him more tired than he thought, and he was not as on edge without the others around. This, coupled with Lucien's answer about the man from their previous conversation about the picture made him thirst for the knowledge and almost show it. He knew that Aurel was simply not perceptive enough to see his true intention. On the outside, this seemed a friendly and candid chat about the young man's past and nothing more. ---------------------------------- Illyana nodded to Lucien's suggestion before scurrying off towards the mess area. There was no more time for idle chit-chat, she had to see what was going on over there.