She fell in a hole? Of course she did. Rapier sighed softly, familiar with the Ranger's luck. Yet, somehow, it would work out for the better. She would usually turn it around in some fashion. He was supposed to look for a tunnel entrance, then? The bird gave an affirmative whistle before taking flight. He wasn't really sure what he was looking for, but perhaps he'd know once he'd seen it. Meanwhile, Regan walked her way down a plain tunnel. It twisted and turned a little bit, but was fairly straightforward. It was pretty empty, too. Was it new? Someone was a little clumsy, digging so close to the surface like that. Could hurt somebody. The tunnel eventually turned away at a pile of rocks. "Looks like… a cave in? Or maybe Rock Slide. I don't think we're very deep. Kawaken, come help me dig out of here." As the Ranger started to pick up the loose rocks she could find from the pile, the pokeball on her hip popped open and her Poliwhirl emerged, giving a hearty flex before getting to work at Regan's side. "Try to pick the ones that are loose first. If it's not just wishful thinking, we might be able to pick our way out of here safely." Above, Rapier scanned the terrain. It was hard to tell if he was searching effectively when he wasn't too sure what he was looking for. He never enjoyed the feeling of searching like this, armed with only a vague idea of what to look for. It didn't happen often, fortunately. And a bit more fortune for him, he saw something move in that pile of rocks. He didn't see what, but he knew something moved. He started a wide circle, watching for more movement… There! The rocks were moving. Shifting. Back below, Regan and Kawaken had just avoided a rock slide from their digging. "Whoooaa… that was really close. You ok?" She looked at her Poliwhirl and pat him on the head as he pumped an arm into the air. "Good." It was then she noticed something. There was light. Coming from the collapse. As the dust settled, she saw it, coming through the rocks. She turned off her lantern and confirmed it. "There's the surface." Though, she had to wonder where those rocks tumbled off to. The tunnel descended after this point. "Think you can… bubble beam it? It'll be safer if we just blast through from here. … For us. Hmm…"