[center][b][h1][color=orangered]Tishombra Ferro[/color][/h1][/b][/center][hr] [right][hider=Tishombra][img]http://sf.co.ua/15/02/wallpaper-1cef91.jpg[/img][/hider][/right][hr][h2][right]Location: [/right][/h2][hr][right][h3] Interaction: Open [/h3][/right][hr][right][h3] Mentions: Mara; Dash [@Fallenreaper]; Corinth [@Apollosarcher]; Haiki [@Espada Emi]; Aria; Atria [@vFear] & Mahree [@Bea][/h3][/right][hr][hr] Tishombra smirked as Aria stormed off. Looking over at Dash.[color=orangered][i] I have learned so much about you my dear. You shall learn quickly that you should only trust yourself and your Master.[/i][/color] Tishombra's thoughts turned quickly and inevitably to just yesterday...[hider=Yesterday] Tishombra tossed her blood red hair over her shoulder her ponytail flicking back and forth as she strode down the hall to the sparring room. She was on a mission to see Kilian Haryss. He was Dashara Horizon’s mentor. He was the new Combat Overseer.[color=orangered][i] This is bound to be entertaining.[/i][/color] She’d worn a white leather sleeveless one piece catsuit. It clung like a second skin and it didn’t matter that the neckline was halfway up her neck it was practically indecent. Her soft steps didn’t echo down the hall as she moved silently. Her hips swayed invitingly making the sabers at her hips keep time like a metronome. Her lightsabers were at the small of her back in a fitted belt. If Kilian was not out tending to his charge, Dash, or training his apprentices, he could almost always be found in his office. The man secluded himself most of the time due to his past and previous profession. He didn’t often work with others, and so lately he found peace sitting at his desk, going over the research he had gathered on his newest student. Datapads lay strewn across his glass desk, along with holoprojectors which displayed an image of Dash, along with other images of locations of interest and walls of text. Head down, eyes scanning a draft of notes written by his hand, he was deep in focus as thoughts moved through his head. Tishombra sauntered into the office. She saw a blonde man sitting at a desk that would have made Mara set the room on fire and use the ashes to fertilize some exotic plant she had. She smirked and tilted her head. He looked too young to be an Overseer. Tishombra grinned it might just be an Apprentice that was looking up something for the Overseer. She cleared her throat and smiled flirtatiously.[color=orangered] “Hello there.”[/color] Her gold eyes simmered with interest as she tilted her head her hip cocked slightly. His head did not move, allowing his eyes to keep scanning the draft and comparing it to notes on either side of his desk. Papers shifted under his hands as he moves the notes around, looking for a different draft while the holo projectors shifted to a different wall of text. “How can I help you?” came a quiet, gruff few words from his mouth, his eyes still not budging from his work. Tishombra smirked. He was an Apprentice of few words… how droll. And rather trite. Tishombra walked around the desk with a sensual lethal grace she stopped in front of him.[color=orangered] “I’m looking for Killian Haryss.”[/color] A deep breath in, followed by a long, drawn out sigh, before Kilian finally looked up to Tishombra. “You’ve found him.” He muttered, shooting her a hard stare before looking back down to his notes. “How can I help you?” he reiterated, eyes continuing to scan the papers and holograms in front of him. Tishombra felt a slide of something familiar as she met his eyes. Dark gray blue eyes stirred something within her. She pushed the thought away.[color=orangered] “You? You look like you’re still wet behind the ears.”[/color] She shrugs.[color=orangered] “Fine. You’ve been assigned a… less than eager student Dashara Horizon. I’m interested in her, but she needs to be isolated from her companion that was captured with her. I was hoping that you could tell me how she is with you since you are... her keeper and the Combat Overseer.”[/color] “She’s reluctant,” he began, turning in his seat to glance back to the holograms in front of him. One hand raised up and directed on of them to a recording. It was only about twenty seconds long, but it showed a highlight of the sparring match between Dash and the other acolyte in the pit. “Reluctant, but submissive. She has certain triggers that force her to shut down and listen. One, of course, that girl, Mahree. The other is physical contact.” Tishombra dropped all pretense of flirting.[color=orangered] “What do you mean by physical contact?”[/color] A deep twist in her gut made her look at him closer the feeling of familiarity increasing. One eyebrow raised at her question, as he thought he had been clear. Many things were in play, however, so he shifted a couple papers before speaking again. “I can pull at her chin with two fingers, and she freezes, begs me to stop. Her sense of fear is immeasurable when she cannot stop what I do. She also doesn't like being controlled, stasis has proven a good teacher when her temper gets the better of her.” He explained. Kilian stood from his desk then, taking a couple papers in his hand as he stood. The man brushed past Tishombra, paying no mind as he moved to the farthest wall in the room, which was only six or seven feet from his desk. Tapping on the wall, small doors appeared; a very minimalized yet effective filing system built into the shape of the wall. After depositing the papers in a drawer, the man returned to his desk, brushing past Tish again as he gracefully sat down, his dirty blonde hair shifting about his shoulders as he moved. The way he explained it took on a new meaning. Two fingers on a chin, her chin. The sense of helplessness and panic setting in. Calm dark gray blue eyes. Calmness washing over her. Recognition flickered over Tishombra’s face just as he brushed past her. She knew the way this man moved intimately. Shaken she just managed to bury the feelings and wipe them from her countenance. She had a name to put to a face that she had buried in her psyche so that she didn’t relive those memories. One set of memories were alright to relive, but to uncover those you had to dig to get there. Best to pack it all away. Kilian Haryss. The only one in a long list of people she would remember in the depths of her nightmares that would be the savior in those night terrors. She hadn’t needed to call up his face for a long while to keep the monsters at bay. [color=orangered]“Stasis. I shall remember that. But I believe I have a way that will assist you in breaking that bond between Dashara and Mahree.”[/color] Kilian’s brows furrowed for a moment, but it wasn’t at her words. He sensed something, a feeling, perhaps? A tinge of terror that lasted only a moment. Moments later, his frown remained as his mind processed what she had said. “Their bond is my leverage.” He said bluntly, thumbing through a datapad on his desk, bringing up a smaller wall of text that he had transferred earlier. “Dashara’s care for Mahree allows me near full control over what the older one will do. I pit her against an acolyte in the sparring pit, against a major disadvantage and with Mais-Ede’s life on the line. Dashara found a way to break one of the wooden poles in half, making a weapon more suitable to her, thus winning the fight.” Kilian paused for a moment before flipping through more images on the holoprojector. “She refused to give me an answer after the fight, so I threatened the younger one. Dashara conceded and answered me. Their bond is important right now. Without it, I have very little leverage.” Tishombra smile turned flirtatious at Kilian.[color=orangered] “Oh my plan Kilian will not interfere on your end. By the time I’m done with Mais-Ede she will hate Dashara. Tomorrow they are being run through the Tombs. Mara has asked that I return the favor that I owe her. I have a hallucinogen that I intend to use on Mais-Ede and will twist her mind to hate Dashara. So by all means continue to use the connection. It will make it that much sweeter when Dashara realizes that Mais-Ede no longer cares.”[/color] She caressed the hilt of her sabers. She had leaned against the desk effectively boxing him in. There was barely enough room on this side. He’d have to go all the way around on the other side. Tishombra wanted to see if he had to get up if he’d walk all the way around or if he’d actually crowd her. Picking up a datapad from his desk, his eyes scanned over it before it’s screen went black. He glanced up at Tishombra for a moment, noting her proximity to him, his head leaning ever so slightly away from her as his eyes looked back over his notes. “Can you do me a favor?” He began, his hand raising up the datapad to her level, not allowing her time to fully answer before he spoke again, “Bring this to my apprentices. Combatives room, level three-bravo.” The man kept the datapad held up to where she could easily grab it, his eyes returning to the papers scattered around his desk, his free hand moving to shuffle the sheets around, looking for other pages and drafts. Tishombra smirked.[color=orangered] “A favor? What do I receive in return?”[/color] She knew that he didn’t mean it like that. As just something to do for someone. She had still automatically reached out to take the data pad before she pulled back her hand and caressed her cheek. One brow raised as he glanced sideways up at Tishombra. He watched her for a moment before his eyes returned to his work again. "In return, next time you need a datapad brought somewhere, I'll deliver it for you." He replied bluntly, a tinge of sarcasm in his voice. Tishombra smirked her anger stretching inside her like a cat in a patch of sun.[color=orangered][i] Fine. But if your Apprentice isn't up to snuff then Mara will be tending wounds…[/i][/color] She held out her hand for the datapad smirking. Handing it over to her, Kilian said nothing further, his focus pushing deeper into his work and research almost immediately. Tishombra rose and walked to the door. She turned to the right her scar on display in her profile.[color=orangered] "You know Kilian you should show up tomorrow and see if Dashara makes it out first. Or if she comes back at all. Oh and aloof suits you."[/color] She spoke with an air of familiarity as if she knew him. She waited for him to look up smiling shyly at him with a touch of innocence. Kilian however didn’t return any form of look. He waved a dismissive hand towards Tishombra, his eyes scanning the pages and his thoughts processing his drafts. “Mhm.” He said briefly before all focus moved back into his work. Tishombra laughed softly and strode away to deliver the datapad. Getting to the Combative rooms she looked for this Apprentice. Looking bored she watched what was going on. In a far corner of the room, past dueling pairs and solo training Acolytes were two younger Sith. Both wore similar robes to Kilian, somewhat distinguishing them against the other Apprentices who resided within the Academy. Both were busy sparring against each other in hand to hand combat. Boots and gloves off, they threw punches and kicks at each other, one seeming to get an upper hand on their opponent before the other would come in and overwhelm the first. TIshombra approached the two who seemed to stand out. A redhead with a mass of freckles and a dark haired boy. They looked like they were barely out of the Academy and as Tishombra cleared her throat to get their attention she held out the datapad.[color=orangered] “Your master sends his regards. You don’t seem so threatening. I see little kittens I don’t see the frightening Apprentices that should be. You there girl can you hold a sword?”[/color] A frown hit the freckled girl's face as Tishombra sauntered up to them, throwing out insults like they were candy. The darker haired apprentice stepped up and took the datapad from Tish whilst the girl eyed her down. A smirk could be seen on her face as she crossed her arms over her chest, "I dunno, do Bogwings fly?" She retorted sarcastically. Tishombra grinned maliciously.[color=orangered] “Excellent.”[/color] Tishombra drew the sword at her right hip steel hissing as she tossed it to the girl. Tishombra had used the sabers just the other day and had about taken off Apprentice Amogeva Garr’s arm. Darth Embrus had stopped her just shy of really any permanent damage. Amogeva had been stupid enough to think that Tishombra wouldn’t kill her with little to no provocation. Tishombra had been robbed of that death and she grew anticy to spill blood again. Not to mention that Kilian had ignored her and she needed to lash out at something. This girl would do nicely. She drew the rapier at her left hip and fell on the girl with a quick strike that was easily blocked by the girl. She smirked.[color=orangered] “Looks like you might not have been lying.”[/color] She gave ground and circled the girl. The girl, Meva, held the rapier defensively in front of herself after Tish moved back to give some ground. The male, Traevam, leaned against a nearby wall, watching as the fight began. The datapad held in his arms, he was more interested in watching his friend and the other apprentice spar. Meva took careful, strategic steps towards Tishombra. She did not push the offensive, she would not at this moment. This female who challenged her had the upper hand judging by the rapiers she provided for the duel. She wanted to wait, to let Tishombra make the next few moves so that she could judge her fighting style and adapt in order to stand a better chance in their duel. Tishombra’s focus was narrowed to a fine point as the anticipation of victory hovered just around her. The girl waited on her.[color=orangered][i] Good. She has some training. But not enough.[/i][/color] Tishombra advanced just enough that they went back and forth both attacking and blocking in the most basic of a dance. Her muscles soon warmed up and Tishombra decided that she’d had enough time petting the kitten. Tishombra started a vicious beat attack backing the girl up. The feint that she added at the end allowed little time to dodge the girl would have to block. Going from their simple dance to a sudden barrage of strikes caught the younger apprentice off guard. She brought the rapier up to block Tishombra’s vicious strikes, forcing her to back up to avoid being caught. Meva made sure she wasn’t backing up into a wall, that would’ve meant game over. Tish’s last feint made Meva brace herself as she held the rapier firm in a defensive stance. Tishombra performed an extension on the opposite arm of the feint nicking the Meva and drawing blood. Tishombra’s face that had been previously blank turned into a vicious smirk as she saw the blood.[color=orangered] “You should watch that side, kitten. It will weaken faster, kitten.”[/color] She said kitten with a gravity that brought to mind weakness and newborns. The vicious grin wide as she circled Meva unsettlingly. Meva felt the nick and saw the resulting blood trickle. It was a small wound but she got the idea that Tishombra was just playing with her. She looked at Tishombra’s grin and decided that was the case. Taking up a better defense position she allowed Tishombra to circle her. As unsettling as it was she kept her face calm. Tishombra was going to have fun smashing that facade of calm on Meva’s face. As Tishombra attacked Meva and was parried. Tishombra’s vicious counterparry knocked away Meva’s blade and the lunge that pierced her shoulder made the girl flinch and hiss softly. Tishombra stepped in and jerked the girl’s wrist high over head. Tish was rewarded with a sound of pain. [color=orangered] “Tishombra Ferro of House Ferro right here on Korriban. I have killed an Apprentices much better than you kitten. Taken my own brother’s arm only because I was stopped by my former master Lord Rahl from killing him. Watched the life die out from the eyes of countless Jedi. So kitten be afraid. Be very afraid. Call Kilian. Drop your blade before then and I’ll kill you.”[/color] Tishombra purred in her ear. The younger girl had held a facade for the entire fight, up to this moment. She wasn’t easily intimidated, but she also hadn’t fought many apprentices who showed such ferocity and love for the fight. The apprentice and master bond she held with Kilian was brushed, unwillingly, as that blade pierced her shoulder. Eyes shut tight as she tried to fight Tish’s taunts. “I’m not... afraid.” She muttered, eyes opening again as she looked Tishombra. Tishombra laughed evilly.[color=orangered] “Kitten has some courage with the caution. Wrong move little one. Never taunt the better fighter unless you know you can beat them. I guess Kilian hasn’t taught you that. You can’t beat me.”[/color] Tishombra threw the girl across the room with a hard push using the Force. She watched the girl tumble and keep the rapier in her grip.[color=orangered] “Finally you do something right kitten. Come on show me what you think you can do. I’ll show you how wrong you are.”[/color] Standing by, the male apprentice, Traevam, wanted to intervene. The older apprentice was obviously far more skilled and dangerous than both of them. He didn’t interfere, however, because of what Kilian had taught. It was dishonorable to interfere in a duel that was not his. By the next moment, the male apprentice realized he had no need to interfere, Kilian would do it for him. The entire room stopped, some of the acolytes watching the duel, but others' eyes' on the door. “What is the meaning of this.” Came a low, dangerous tone as Kilian Haryss entered the room. Acolytes and apprentices alike moved quickly out of his path as he quickly started towards Tishombra and his apprentices. His eyes were dangerous, dark, reflecting the rage he felt within. “I told you to deliver a datapad, not spar with one of my apprentices.” He growled, stopping just a couple feet before Tishombra. His eyes glanced to the male apprentice, then his head nodded towards the female, indicating for Traevam to help his counterpart recover from where she was. Tishombra looked over at Kilian.[color=orangered][i] Good the girl did her job.[/i][/color] Tishombra looked at Kilian and saw the rage and felt a moment of sadness that so briefly flickered through her eyes that it could be easily imagined. Tishombra raised an eyebrow.[color=orangered] "Ah Kilian. You never said that I couldn’t. Now that I have your attention would you like to continue the conversation from your office? That is if you actually recall it.”[/color] She called a rag over and wiped down her blade then sheathed it. She brushed past him to collect the other rapier that Meva had let go of. Helping Meva up, Traevam took her towards the doorway, knowing full well that Kilian wanted her to be checked at the infirmary, no words needed to be said. The older man stood, arms crossed, watching Tishombra wipe his apprentice’s blood off of her blade. The mans figure tensed at the action, a deep breath released from his nostrils as his eyes moved from the blade to Tishombra again. “You attack one of my apprentices just to gain my attention? Do you not understand why I’m busy? Why I can’t cater to your every whim?” Tishombra barked out a humorless laugh.[color=orangered] “Why Kilian surely you don’t think this is just my whim do you?”[/color] She turned back around sheathing her other sword not needing to wipe it off.[color=orangered] “Don’t be a fool Kilian. There is always someone higher up. I’m not some spoilt child or naive ingenue that is panting for your attention but I don't like being ignored either. What I have to do is just as important as what you’re doing. Do not assume that you’re the only one of importance!”[/color] Her temper was showing now and her eyes flashed with it. Their gold color at odds with her human appearance. Her blood red hair, gold eye sharply defined features set her apart from humans as different as her pale human skin tone and lack of spurs set her apart from the Pureblood Sith. Anger flashed in her eyes as she advanced on Kilian, getting angrier by the moment.[color=orangered] “A few minutes of your time is so little to ask Kilian! It’s not like it hasn’t been asked before.”[/color] By now, most of the acolytes had left the combatives room, just those few remaining to watch the unfolding feud. The older man was silent as Tishombra advanced on him, attempting to rein in his anger which was slowly starting to seep out from the facade he held so often. One hand shot out suddenly, grasping Tishombra’s neck tightly as his body moved. He pushed her into the closest wall, closing what little space was left so that his face was merely an inch from hers. “You claim not to be spoiled yet here you are, causing a scene because I didn’t respond to your trivial and shortsighted comments in my office!” He growled, his hand clenched tightly and holding firm while his eyes shot daggers into Tishombra’s gaze. Tishombra reached out with breath control so that she was not clawing at her neck by the time he was finished with his statement. But what concerned her was not the instant revulsion that usually came with a male force users hands on her. Rather the opposite. The arousal was instant and powerful. With her attention on control there was no time to cover it and then she decided not to.[color=orangered][i] Let him deal with it.[/i][/color] She was bold. She remembered the young girl she’d been the last time they met. But she remembered someone who took a night that was supposed to be full of horror and made it precious. He left an imprint of himself on her whether he knew it or not. Afterall your first is never forgettable. Watching the woman in his grasp, he could sense the Force around her. Was it breath control? It almost didn’t matter to Kilian, as he would’ve stood there and held her until he felt she understood the line she had crossed. His grip lessened momentarily, his fingers brushing her neck and feeling the smooth skin of a… scar? Moving his fingers, Kilian’s eyes moved to look at her neck, his head shifting ever so slightly as the shape of a scar caught his eye. The man paused, his eyes taking in the scar that seemed to continue further down her body, before those eyes returned to hers. Her reaction, it wasn’t fear, but something completely opposite. Staring into her eyes, Kilian suddenly released the woman, taking a step back from her and watching her for a moment. A deep breath was exhaled through his nostrils as his thoughts raced. That facade returned quickly though, eyes focusing and posture shifting. “Next time you want to duel with one of my apprentices, you [i]will[/i] come to me first. Is that understood?” Tishombra tilted her head and smiled sinfully.[color=orangered] “Your Apprentices are not up to my level. Consider this a one and only time. I desire a challenge. I think I just found one. Do you have a moment of time that I may reserve?”[/color] Kilian was quiet, watching Tishombra, judging her words carefully. “Tomorrow. After the Tombs.” He muttered, shooting the woman a glare before he turned quickly and strode out of the room without another word. Tishombra smirked and watched him walk away.[color=orangered][i] Well that was interesting…[/i][/color][/hider]... Tishombra smirked and walked over to the three [i]kittens[/i].[color=orangered] "Well, well, look what we have here.[i]Kittens[/i] the lot of you. [i]Soft. Cute. Weak.[/i] Only those that really have issues at the Academy come here. So something is wrong with you. This will fix it.[i][b]I will fix it[/b][/i] for you. Now I have supplies on me but I want you to know that I won't be just giving them away you have to earn them."[/color] Tishombra tossed her hair and indicated the sand seeming to get worse.[color=orangered] "For now let us enjoy this fine day on Korriban."[/color]