Happy New Year! I'd like to summarize some of my master and servant concepts and maybe get some feedback from the potential players about what they would prefer to see/play against? [hider=Wanna see?] [b]Master[/b]: might be a bit cliche but I was thinking of someone who isn't a trained magus. They'd stumble into the war by chance, probably without a catalyst so they'd need a servant that vibes with them. Once they get their bearings, they'd learn they are talented in defensive spells like barriers - but of course they stand no chance against a top tier magus, let alone a servant. [b]Servants[/b]: I love Berserkers, so all of these ideas are Berserkers, though some can qualify as different classes if we need variety. My first choice is Tutankhamen, the pharaoh. I talked this over briefly already with Mr. Prez. They can also be an Avenger. Their parameters are low and their skills and NP predictably revolve around curses. They drain Mana/etc from enemies. Their mad enhancement level is low but increases their mania over time. Personality is quiet but ramps up to chaotic as their madness increases. Next is Yomotsu-shikome, the oni that chased Izanagi out of the under world in Japanese folklore. Can also be a Lancer by "borrowing" the naginata that created Japan from Izanami. Aggressive play style and is very adept at chasing fleeing enemies. Also has an intense hunger that makes for a bigger mana drain on their master. If Lancer, the naginata is their NP. If Berserker, they can split into 8 due to some lore saying they are 8 oni instead of 1. Last is Narasimha, an avatar of Vishnu like Rama. A lion-man, so they are prideful and majestic, but also a little more aggressive due to their animal traits. They are strictly a hand-to-hand combatant, and their NP is a very simple reflection of their lore: they can attack through any defenses, blocks, walls, magic barriers... Pretty much nothing can defend against his claws, and if it can then it creates the conditions in which his claws can pierce through. [/hider] Still working on full sheets for them but I can focus on the one more people would like to see.