Ridahne laughed at first, thinking Darin was just having a little joke when she said the events in Ridahne's dream were true. That wasn't even possible, after all, and dry humor was kind of Ridahne's style anyway. Ridahne was about to ask what really happened when the human continued speaking, going back a little to explain all of what happened and why. The elf's small smile melted off her face and gave way to an expression of utter disbelief and...awe. "Hang on, hang on, you're serious?" Ridahne pointed a mock-accusatory finger at her and said, "Don't you mess with my head, my brain's addled enough." But she didn't really mean it--she knew Darin was serious. She just wasn't sure how to deal with that information. "By the Tree...Darin...that's...incredible. And kind of concerning, I mean, for your health. But...I didn't know you could...I didn't know that was even possible. Have you always known this?" Her mind was reeling. Mostly still trying to understand how and why that was possible. She assumed it had to do with being the Seed Bearer, obviously, but she wasn't aware the Gardener had powers quite like [I]that.[/I] Of course, there were lots of tales told about the Gardener and his connection with not just the Great Tree but with all of nature and with the people of Astra. And those tales ranged from the mundane and expected to the only slightly supernatural. But never in her life had she heard he, or any of his successors, were capable of controlling the elements like that. She wondered what else Darin was capable of that either she hadn't shared with her yet, or that she herself didn't know. Secondly, Ridahne had known that they were connected, she and Darin. They were fated to be with one another, but Darin sealed that bond when she made Ridahne Seed-Chained. The elf both knew and felt that there was some kind of extra connection between them, but it didn't occur to her that it would be quite so...tangible. She'd seen what happened to Darin in her dream. Whether it was just an elvish vision, which didn't usually come in the form of dreams and were more like waking visions, or if it was strictly a message from the Tree or a result of their bond, Ridahne wasn't sure. Maybe both. Maybe since she was connected to the Seed-Bearer, she could sense when she did things that were especially magical. Darin continued, explaining that the whole village had seen it. Considering the hut wasn't up in flames, Ridahne thought, that was probably alright. And especially if-- "What?" The color seemed to drain from Ridahne's face at the mention of the visiting Eija. The usually self-assured warrior suddenly looked like a rabbit pinned in her den by a fox. She had to remind herself (multiple times) that there was no possible way they were here for her. If they were, they'd have gotten to her by now. Killed her in her sleep, if that was their goal. Eija did not usually kill--they more often would debilitate or injure someone if they had to in order to bring them in. In some extreme cases, the criminal's sentence was simply to lose a limb, typically a hand. They would take them to a healer, do their task, and leave. There were rare circumstances in which an eija was permitted to take a life, including self defense or the defense of others in the case of an active threat. But did that apply to her, traitor of traitors? Her situation was unprecedented in her lifetime, and she had not known of any other assassin who killed a Sol. What rules still applied to her? Did any of those apply at all now that she was outside the borders of Azurei? Not likely. If someone wanted to see her dead, in Azurei or out of it, they probably had the right to do so. "Who??" Ridahne asked, as if Darin would know. Ridahne knew most of them. They were probably here on contract for some reason or another. But they'd find out about her soon enough, if they hadn't already. "They're going to know." Her tone was edged with a panic that she tried to keep down but couldn't fully eliminate. "If they don't, then they will. I don't know what kind of rumors are spreading around Azurei about you or the Gardener, so you might be alright. But they'll find out about me. If they see Tsura and his gear then they'll know. We know our own. Darin, will you please do me a favor? Later, when you're more solid and feeling better, will you go to the stables and bring me my knives?" Ridahne felt the spot on her chest where a strap of her blade harness usually sat; it felt vulnerable and naked without it. She wanted to be able to defend herself when they came. Not that she would stand a chance as she was, but she would never go down without a fight. Ever.