[h2][center]Hendrik Bakker[/center][/h2] Hendrik was seated in between two random people, for him atleast, but that was no suprise having transfered in just this year. That would mean this was his actual first day at school, although Hendrik would no show that. During the announcment Hendrik slowly lost interest, the speaker was horribly boring to listen to. Getting to learn that art classes would lose funding didn't really hit him, the forced home ed classes did however. Hendrik already knew how to do chores, cook and more. Atleast it would be a good way to show off his skills. As Hendrik was looking around he would just smile or nod towards people whom he locked eyes with. Perhaps checking out the more "jocky" types to see what his competition at any sports would look like. Hendrik would make some mental notes on people, things like: [color=00A651]"That girls looks kinda cute, and that dude looks like an ass."[/color] During the rest of the presentation zoning out would be everything Hendrik would be doing. He made sure he knew the face of his counciller, if that would ever become neccessary. At the end when finally the boring Mr. Henderson would stop, Hendrik would leave towards his very first lesson which just happens to be biology, one of the subjects he enjoyed. Hendrik found the body very interesting, or atleast knowing how it would work, what a certain influx of substance would to, and what effects that would have. Hendrik would not really take the time to introduce himself unless specifically asked to do so. And since that did not happen he would just go sit at a certain chair in the middle at the window.