[center][h1][color=green]Minerva Malfoy[/color][/h1] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/8d3ba1a344c8b772611b61ce0fa3419d44cbc64f/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f423044454e586f626d64777848773d3d2d3533323935333032352e313531313863333038663962363833643633363737323836383930312e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Minerva had to wonder whether or not her twin was trying to keep her at bay, so she wouldn't have to get in the way. She had heard brief stories of her brother's misdeeds, at the school; most of them having to be about detention. Her father refused to share the specifics on how he ended up there. When Draco said it was nothing, she felt that, whenever he says that very thing, it seemed a though everything was fine on the surface. It's what was on the inside, that made Minerva worry. He was bothered by something, since he seemed to be giving various people "the eye", the moment they walked into the room. Hopefully, not anything drastic. The last thing she needed was someone to be threatened by him, because of her. Standing up, the female Malfoy heard his whisper, and it made her frown even more, although she kept herself in check, so to avoid suspicion from certain people. She looked back at the brunette in the distance, having this sudden need to help her, considering that she seemed to be reclusive for a majority of the time they were here. Perhaps, if she could find the opportunity, she could try talking to her. Once they reached the dormitory, it was quite cozy place, kind of like a living room. It was no different than the residence halls back at the Pure-Blood School For Girls, although this was slightly smaller. Not that she was one to complain, unlike certain people back home. Everyone in their respected houses were divided by gender; boys in one, with the girls in the other. Their stuff were already in their rooms, so Minerva already felt herself getting comfortable for the evening. It wasn't passed curfew yet, so Minerva took some time to try to explore, not knowing that she was being followed. Reaching the courtyard, she took sight of the same brunette from before.