[quote=@Raxacoricofallapatorius] Oh I just thought of something else: almost all characters I’ve seen are classically handsome/beautiful. It makes me wanna create more unconventional looking characters, even straight up ugly characters. [/quote] The plainer/uglier the cast, the better the RP, every time, without fail. The ugliness directly improves immersion a lot because it builds a world where people look like people and not everyone is a 10/10 demigod Adonis, but it's also a big green flag: the players willing to suffer a little in the sex appeal dept. are almost always also giving their characters interesting flaws and quirks elsewhere. (Real quirks, not [i]teehee snarky one-liners!!![/i]) They're decidedly [i]not[/i] there to play out a power fantasy or to expand their spankbanks, either, making for more balanced spotlight time. Take care of the dudes playing goblins in your High Fantasies and old grandmas in your slice-of-lifes. They're the ones breaking from the three or four stock character molds per genre and actively trying to keep things fresh.