[right][h3][color=C1CCDC]Raine Provostus[/color][/h3][/right] [color=gray]Hunter Provostus still stood close to the Blood Saint Adelicia as they drew closer to the elevator - not so close as to cause discomfort, but he suspected she would feel that regardless - eyeing Victor as the other hunter activated the lift's lever, before he began to return to them. He reached - if you could even call it that, with his unnerving arm length - over his right shoulder, shifting the stock of a weapon briefly before it came loose, and he lowered it to his abdomen. It was a crossbow - a heavy-looking one. His right hand once again fell behind his back, this time at the lumbar, and returned wielding a serrated steel bolt, which he promptly placed into his weapon. He hooked his long fingers against the string and pulled it back into position - making it look easy. He nodded slightly in response to Victor's hopes as he finished. His mind shifted to the bag he carried over his left shoulder. He jostled it, feeling the weight of his helm within it. He reasoned it would be fine to leave in the bag - as long as their only opposition remained a few Yharnamites. Part of him was grateful it was just Yharnamites who left the scene as it were before them. Part of him was disappointed. He turned his gaze to their charge as she spoke. The shadows on his face seemed to deepen as she posed her inquiry. It wasn't often that the hunter found himself unsure on what to say, but now he hesitated. [color=C1CCDC]"You do not get back the pieces that you lose to the beast."[/color] he responded, bluntly. Something about his response sounded tense, if slightly so. His eyes turned back to the elevator. [/color] [hr][center][color=C1CCDC][Victor, Adelicia][/color][/center]