[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200103/09ff8338ba521112ff3597eff13eae97.png[/img][/center] Tenshi are divided up by multiple factors, but the most important are their size and strength, though several other factors are also considered. The weakest and most numerous are the [b][u]Asura[/u][/b]. Asura weigh between one hundred and twenty thousand tons, and in addition to absorbing various forms of radiation, they possess a fully functional digestive system. Most are able to reproduce in some form, though the most common seems to be asexual reproduction. The next classification are the [b][u]Malakim[/u][/b]. These Tenshi weigh in excess of twenty thousand tons, with the very largest approaching (or even exceeding) a hundred thousand tons. These Tenshi do not require food to survive, merely water and some form of radiation. Unlike the Asura, Malakim very rarely are able to reproduce in any form, and those that are able to have never done so since the Tenshi woke in 2039. The final, most powerful classification of the Tenshi are the [b][u]Archons[/u][/b]. Physically, these Tenshi aren't too much different from the Malakim. However, the nine known Archons all produce a particular frequency of infrasound that allows them to command the other Tenshi, like the alpha of a pack. While several dozen Asura have been killed, and only a few Malakim have been killed, none of the Archons have been killed by humans.