I ask because I definitely want to use the other Caurgast characters somewhere and I'm wondering where they could end up once they are driven from the vampire kingdom. TLDR version of Gharekh: he is the youngest of five. His siblings hate him because he is small, weak, and sickly. He makes the house look weak. However, he is very cunning, and earns their father's affection by demonstrating talents in magic/alchemy and in literary studies. When it becomes obvious that Gharekh is going to be chosen to replace father as the new baron, three siblings frame Garekh for an attempt to "diablerize" the youngest sister, which means stealing her soul by cannibalizing her blood. This plan works because it is assumed that Gharekh is trying to overcome his physical frailty. For this crime he is banished and sentenced to death, but he survives and manages to crawl to a city now controlled by a barbarian kingdom, where he has been taking jobs as a thief and a cutthroat ever since.