[quote=@Chiro] I also had some ideas for more realistic mutations for the Mariner's kind. [/quote] Would love to hear more about this! EDIT:: btw that video was absolutely perfect! lol ------------------------------------------------ I also love how y'all are knowledgeable about the Waterworld movie and cannon lore. This will be a Waterworld-[b]esque[/b] RP, so somethings will not be included, for instance [i]gasoline[/i] is not a thing in this world, as drilling for crude oil is basically impossible. Things like guns/bullets are also incredibly rare, because of what it takes to make and use them. Mariner kind though not realistic, are going to be a thing because a little fantasy in an RP is always fun. I will also be using elements from the anime [i]gargantua the verdurous planet[/i]. Keep the ideas and suggestions flowing, I love seeing them, and they are helping me put the OOC together.