[color=Red][CENTER][h1][b]Amelia[/b][/h1][/CENTER][/color] [hr] Amelia was uncomfortably tense as she stood by Eli and kept watch. Although Amelia gathered Eli was keeping them hidden, she[i]really[/i] didn't like how exposed it made her feel. She suppressed a desire to breathe heavily, biting her lip hard to maintain focus. Back in her vandalism days, she had always preferred the advantage of height that teleporting to the top of a building gave. Unfortunately, a forest didn't provide that as reliably. [i]I need to get back into form for fuck's sake,[/i] she thought to herself idly, before refocusing on the issue at hand. Amelia was also finding she did not like the uncertainty Lynn's approach was giving her. Sure, she felt that the authority behind the concept of The Promise was a violation of human rights and every concept of freedom she stood for, but these people were just...people. They didn't deserve getting...whatever the fuck this woman did to them. More to the point, Amelia couldn't quite read Lynn as well as she'd like. Her gut of living with people like her told her Lynn was looking for an excuse to burn this place to the ground, but she didn't like the possibility that she would, in fact, let her go. And then, with a flash of action, it all went to absolute shit. Amelia watched from their hiding spot as a cop, and Freaky D of all people rushed in to fuck up the woman. Amelia, who had always been a runner over a fighter, simply watched with worry and fear. She grimaced as the cop fired off his strange taser....device...thing. She didn't like it one bit, but she'd be a liar if she said this person didn't deserve something to that effect. And then in a matter of motions, the real woman sent them tumbling over the dead-fall, horribly injured, and vanished without a trace. Amelia felt the horror well up inside of her. She wasn't sure if Eli noticed, but she broke away from her, stepping back several steps before suddenly teleporting deeper into the forest out of sight. Amelia slammed herself back against a tree, and brought both hands up to her mouth tight to suppress her sudden scream of primal fear. "Not again, not again, [i]why did this happen again?![/i]" At this point, it was no longer coincidence in Amelia's head. Every time she had gone out for something on the Promise, something horrible had happened, down to her first day. This place was not safe at all. It was a floating death trap from which she had no escape. After a few moments, Amelia forced herself to take deep breaths and reassess the situation. As much as she desperately wanted to simply bail on the situation again, this time it wasn't just a dead body. Someone had been pretty seriously hurt. Not to mention, as Amelia began to vibrate again preparing to teleport, she felt her heart sink. She couldn't abandon these people she felt were her only remaining friends. Not a second time. Trying to steel herself, she punched into the tree beside her, gritting her teeth. "Focus, Amelia. Focus. It's just another run from the cops. Nothing you haven't done before." Vanishing into her scar in reality again, Amelia appeared back in the clearing above where the guard and D had fallen. By some miracle, Natalie and Archie had joined the bunch, and the woman had not returned. Overhearing talk about getting Cara to call for medical attention, Amelia realized she finally had something she could do that would help. Amelia suddenly appeared down the dead-fall near the group, and made her way over to the guard and D. "Fuck that shit, they won't be here in time." Amelia knelt down next to them. "I can get them to the infirmary instantly. It'll be way faster then anything that needs to be sent out here." Amelia bit her lip, thinking through the plan herself. "Gennedy will probably try to push my shit in again, but fuck it. At this rate I'm gonna die on this death trap anyway. Might as well piss off the cops while I do it."