[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/534494818479374336/662910095348203537/ginga.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] Delmina silently stood up from where she was resting and started to follow the others, now with a new piece of gear strapped to her chest. It was.... admittedly uncomfortable, but She supposed she could make it by with it, as it wasn't really cumbersome. It was tight and didn't rest well given her physique, and she could have sworn the revenant that put it on her was a bit too happy to be the one to do so. Though she wasn't sure, she seemed to blame herself that these things were even on them. They weren't there when she had last escaped. She had gotten a fair distance before being recaptured, and she had learned later that someone that she had confided in, one of the only ones she really talked to, had turned his back on her after hearing her plans to escape. In exchange for some more blood, he sold her out to the revnants, telling them her plans and what direction she had headed. He had also been one of the first to try to carefully tamper with the bombs when they brought them out. He was turned to ash before Delmina ever became conscious. [color=B8860B]"I will do my best to keep you alive should you become injured..."[/color] Delmina responded to the first girl. After that, she was half listening to the catty bickering back and forth between the other two revenants. The second girl seemed to answer the first girl's last question as if being a volunteer to take the position as the 'ass' of the group. To what end would someone act so bitter? She could only guess that that was some odd way that they found their own joy. But... that one comment that she could have sworn to be directed at her, and only confirmed when the other looked to her as well. Her face flushed a bit, mostly but not all hidden under the mask, though it may have been too dark to see it. S-she wasn't fat, she believed herself to be quite fit, what did she mean by-.... oh.... B-but, that wasn't [i]her[/i] fault! She closed her eyes as she let out a soft sigh and turned towards where she remembered a door. Maybe there would be something to use inside it. As the others seem to slowly wake away, she quickly made her way to the door, her shield at the ready, her other weapon not yet drawn. With her free hand, she opened the door. When opened and from behind her shield, she readied her veil in case she needed an immediate counter attack, and to use as a makeshift light to see inside the door if there were any useful things inside.