[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=99CC00]Matthew Madigan[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/636570892754878484/J9pTL8B.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Car Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Matthew began to wonder about each child that was mentioned, who they could be within their town, had he known them in the orphanage or did their paths never cross? How old were all these kids and how exactly would they appear back in Arcadia? Colby was the child of Chesire, yet he looked nothing like a cat; though his mannerisms are very much akin to one. If one is half mermaid did that make them one quarter fish? Could they swap from land to sea and gain fins? Or did they simply gain gills to help them breathe? The son of Arthur must be some cool jock guy who's good at everything. Of that much he was certain. Rumplestiltskins child...was it truly his? Or one stolen from another? Were they as mischievous and cunning? The mere idea of having to care for the hair of Rapunzels kid was...exhausting. His own hair was a mess itself and it probably paired no one near in comparison to hers. His mind continued to wander around and think of all the possible traits and personalities of each and every child. Whether he may get along with them or simply keep arms distance. It's true that they weren't raised by their parents, but perhaps some of those traits carried on. After all if people can travel dimensions and turn into dragons, why couldnt blood hold more magic than what is known on earth? Maddy wasn't quite sure how he felt about the fact that time moved slower in Arcadia. Faster he could deal with, he has a job after all, but slower...he could be leaving Carroll alone for months without even knowing it. How could he be so selfish? They need him back at the shop and may not be able to suffice being down a person. But this is his parents they're talking about...but is it truly worth it? Maddy began to bite his lower lip as he thought on, weighing the sense of adventure, magic, and wonder, to his loyalty and duty to his job and customers.