As the girls talked and walked, Delmina would open the door to the service closet. It was small; barely anything in here that she could see in the dim glow of her blood veil’s glow. She would, however, see an unopened closet. For a human the door was firmly shut but for a revenant all it’ll take is a firm pull to open the rusted lock doors. Not much else of use was inside however; there was a first aid kit who’s medicine have long expired, leaving only some gauze and bandages that may be of some minor use. There were a few well-worn tools as well, rusted from time and corrosion. However that was one box that would prove useful. Though wet from condensation it was still taped close. Whatever text was printed on it’s surface was faded but inside were roughly twenty chemical lights, glow sticks. Some may vaguely remember seeing some of the other revenants use them in night operations: they only provided a scant glow, but they were long lasting and better than nothing. About five of them together and they’d make for a decent lantern. There were five green, five red, five white, and five yellow.