[color=ed1c24]"Thanks. If we find some first aid supplies I'll try to do the same."[/color] Turning back to her own search after the amusement of seeing a slight blush creep up from the 'fat' revenant's mask, Diamond couldn't help but feel annoyed at how little her search turned up. A rock there, a bent pole here, and more useless junk that wouldn't solve the current problem. Thinking to herself that it should have been obvious that anything useful would already have been taken, the sound of a door opening caught her attention. Looking in the direction she heard it in, Diamond could faintly make out the weak glow of someone's bloodveil. As she wandered over, the sound of another door being opened a bit more forcefully clued her in to the idea that someone might have actually found something. After some rustling sounds, the person deactivated their bloodveil, leaving Diamond about as blind as a bat to their current position. As a yellow glowstick cracked to life a dozen feet in front of her though, Diamond jumped a little before recognizing the 'fat' revenant and more confidently walking over. [color=ed1c24]"Nice! Even with this little light we'll be able to do [i]something[/i]. You find anything else?"[/color] Reaching in, Diamond unwittingly snached the five white glowsticks and put most of them in her pockets, keeping an unbroken one out for later. [color=ed1c24]"I'd rather use mine one at a time for now."[/color] Looking over at the cranky revenant, Diamond rolled her eyes and followed after at a distance. With that kind of attatude, no one would want to get within three [i]feet[/i] of her.