[h2][centre] [color=a2d39c] [color=f6989d]Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" [/color][color=6ecff6]& Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" [/color][/color][/centre][/h2] [h3][centre] [color=a2d39c]Thursday - Sol Mates (Light lane) - mixed locations [/color][/centre][/h3] [b]Runways, Race cars and the Rumba[/b] [b]Victoria[/b] Victoria"s confusion only grew. Did she admit what was really going on behind the slate-grey eyes that cool "mask" slipped revealing a rather confused woman who was doing her best to hide weaknesses? Yep, he was right, she held a fair few secrets personal, family and work-related. The words caught her off guard, he was utterly pissed? Surely... Who was that eloquent pissed? And the Kiss? Where did she even begin to unravel that one? He was nice, she was pregnant with someone else kid? Why was he after her? What did she want and why where her hormones deciding to go silly and want to pin him against a wall there and then after that? The damn body was just pushing her with random hormones for fun. [i][color=6ecff6]"Talk when your Sober Ok? And have a safe trip home."[/color][/i] trying not to sound like she was threatening him, that really needed explaining and more context than a drunk chat and a stolen kiss. Waiting till Ryan left, she would decide how to even handle that situation later and laid head on arms at the counter with a noticeable sigh. [i][color=6ecff6]"That was me inheriting a drama Llama herd following me to America."[/color][/i] ok her Russain English mix could deliver a pretty solid deadpan. Knowing she could not leave her friend on that answer, she did deserve some context though maybe not everything with too many ears and eyes about as she gestured to Isosef with a Yawn and gesture to confirm she was ready to leave soon, and he would have to drive tonight confirmed by a small nod. He had worked with Victoria enough to know her cues over the years and body language. [i][color=6ecff6]"I owe you that much. Short answer. Ryan is not the father, umm. I got caught in the moment, he was really hot... Passions running high. Blizzard, power cut... Found a way to keep warm, that should be rather obvious. We both never planned for it. Well. Oops. Oven time. Not sure how everything stands. Sadly not my boyfriend either! He seems to have a thing for short brunettes though "[/color][/i] giving the rather shorthand, she had a choice to make, though would Ethan hurt Ryan? friend, boyfriend or any other descriptor she did not want him hurt. He had looked after a stranger on a cold morning closed, that stuck with her. Giggling at Ryans potential type and two of them sat there both filling the requirements rather well. She had to admit they both where pretty attractive women with no lack of funds or confidence at times. [i][color=6ecff6]"Text me, or pop over over, we can sort something out. One for the girls it is. Let me know which place as I need to book ahead. Still a little envious of your skin. See you soon Manami."[/color][/i] Giving bet a hug before she could leave, Victoria was very thankful for the few good friends she had gained in Sol City. Ending on an upbeat comment, it was too flawless. Eating well and good skincare aside, she had to least be a part witch to achieve it. Once Manami had left, Victoria paid her bill and whatever Ryan added leaning on the cane looking at the busy people, happy couples and so all about. Would be nice... Charles was off enjoying self, she could always annoy him in the morning by being happy, chipper and generally not hungover! Making her way slowly down the lane back to her Bentley, spotting the pretty guy, yeah. Well, 90% sure. You never could be 100% certain these days. Modern life could throw a few surprises about, she knew we'll as anyone to not judge books by covers, half the family was definitely a surprise in some way or the other. He was with some woman, wait the same woman. That was interesting, the woman who helped him, now talking. Add a little romance, the evening. It could be fun. Ok, fine...the mayor's silly event was addictive in its own way. [b]Memtions[/b] [@Otterpop][@Infinite Cosmos][@KatKook]