[@underworldqueen] "plot: A stranger arrives claiming to have the fix for a towns' problems. He claims to have great power and can help them all. But, there is a price to be paid of course. He does not say what it is right away and simply tells the town to write down all of their problems so that he could know what they are. He needed to in order to solve them of course. The townspeople, thinking that a miracle had happened, complied. One by one they each wrote down all of their problems and let the stranger know of them. However, within the manor that he was staying in, the stranger smirked, looking at a red rose that he held in his hand. It was all going according to his plan. What the townspeople did not know was that he was a vampire, and not an ordinary one either, one with sorcerer like powers on top of the vampiric powers that came naturally with his kind. They also did not know he was looking to actually control the town. A bride/groom would be a bonus too, but that was a minor goal. When the townspeople gathered at the town square one evening, under a full moon, to hear an announcement from the stranger, they all had excited smiles on their faces. They could not wait to hear the good news, or what they assumed to be good news. The stranger told them that he had solved their problems. They cheered until he told them that they now had to pay the price. Fear soon took hold as the stranger took control of the town and everyone in it. Now, what was to happen? Especially to one character in particular? That will be decided by us." But it is loooooooong past the point of shadows' character and mine getting together. way way past that.