[@Chiro] I really like the ideas you put together for the Mariners. They make more logical sense then gils and having a whole different respiratory system. As for the elements/tidbits I’ll be incorporating from the specific anime I mentioned. I’ll be using some of the cultural and technology stuff depicted on the show. Like floating ship cities, the farming, radio, and divers. The idea for “sparkies” as you put it, is smart. Electricity within the larger cities of the world is still a partial thing, because of solar panels, and wind power. But anyone living in villages, tinier boat communities, or sailing alone Wouldn’t really have any electricity. The comedic relief of idiotic sea pirates, thought great for the movie, is not exactly a part of this RPs makeup, unless you wish to make that as a character. there will be Pirates, and slavers, and groups of bad guys basically. But they will more realistic and less ridiculous then the ones in the movie.