"Good question." said Adam while scanning the room. He saw many of the thugs, cheap bounty hunters and drunks one would expect to find at a dive bar like this one. Only a few stared back, but mostly the patrons kept to themselves. None of them stared back with hostility, at least not openly, which was a start. Adam had just decided to try talking to a particularly tough looking Devaronian when someone tapped him hard on the shoulder. "Did you say something to my friend, kid?" said a gruff, human voice. The ugly, middle-aged man speaking was only about as tall as Adam, but behind him was a large, grey skinned Aqualish thug. Adam didn't respond right away, so the human tapped him again. "My friend says you insulted him." the human said. "Buy us some drinks and we might forget you said anything." he said, puffing up his chest and standing to his full height. "But I [i]didn't[/i] say anything." Adam responded honestly. He knew this might make them mad, but he really didn't want to get pushed around by a pair of idiots. Especially not in front of Kijani. "Pay up, or else I'll smash your face while your girlfriend watches." the human said again in a whisper that didn't hide his anger. Adam almost reached for his half-full glass, ready to break it over the man's head when a roar sounded from behind the two bullies. The creature was over two meters tall, and completely covered in hair. The only article of clothing he wore was a bandoleer that was strapped across his body. When he roared, the two thugs visibly flinched, as well as Adam. "Come on, Ponda. Let's get out of here." said the human before leaving the pair of them left the cantina. Relieved, Adam put down the glass as a new voice sounded. "Evazan and Ponda aren't exactly the brightest bulbs around here, so try not to take their threats too seriously." said another human male, this time much younger. Where the last human was as ugly as a bantha, this guy was handsome and knew it. His accent was definetly not local, and he wore exactly what Adam thought a dashing smuggler would wear. "Thanks." Adam said. Before the man and the large hairy giant walked away, Adam spoke up again. "You wouldn't happen to know of anyone pilots, would you? We need a lift." When the other human turned around, he had a perfect winning smile on. "Well, what a coincidence. My schedule just opened up. So, what can I do for you?"