To see anthing close to functional first aid supplies made some part of Diamond deeply happy, though she couldn't remember why. Grabbing them when offered, she responded as she tucked them into a side pocket. [color=ed1c24]"I'll definitely be taking them. Can't remember my previous name or life, but I'm fairly sure that first aid is something I'm good at. Call me Diamond."[/color] As they traveled, Diamond picked up any pieces or odd ends that looked interesting to her, eventually finding some relatively loose wires to use for later. When they came upon the decapitated corpse of something though, Diamond could only stop and assume it might be what others called a 'lost,' because it [i]really[/i] didn't look human anymore. The idea that these things were around prompted her to take her pipe out and get her bloodveil ready, just in case they encountered one soon. Looking around as they entered what looked to be a much larger train station, Diamond couldn't help but take notice of the giant spike that sealed off a potential exit. She'd seen a bunch of these in the world above, and apparently people were calling them thorns of judgement. Weird, would have called them thorns of destruction herself, but the lingo had already been established it seemed. And then there was that other point of interest, a red speck of glowing light next to what might have been a wall. If it weren't for all the dead bodies and- oh, sounds like the grumpy revenant had an insight that was probably right. Taking out a rock- well closer to a large pebble, really -Diamond tossed it in the general direction of the red glow, hoping the darkness would help to trick any potential ambushers into revealing themselves.