Delmina nodded to Diamond's response, a smile under her mask only noticeable due to the rise in her cheeks. She watched as the other two checked the bodies for any that may still be living. Lost had a knack for playing dead after all. She would watch, hanging back slightly just to keep an eye for any that may surprise them, even looking above for any that were hanging in wait for them to be so unlucky as to pass under. Delmina's attention was then brought to the shining red light as well, though she was unsure about it. She heard of a thing called a vestige, and to never touch them, however, being this far away from it she could not quite make out what it was yet. Diamond tossed a rock towards it to see if whatever the object was had been used as a point for an ambush. Delmina tensed up, preparing for something to come at them, should that be the case.