[img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/20/1a/65/201a659f54888dc308c6fa76766c8d28.jpg[/img] Name: Jory MCFarland Age: 22 Bio: He is an only child of parents that could care less about him. He spent his teenage years( 13-18) in boarding school and his summers at home with his grandmother. Now that she has passed he has the place to himself. He hasn't had much contact with his parents except for the occasional call and card with a check it in. He spent most of his time with his best friend and his family growing up and is close to his whole family. He is a big flirt. [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warriors-high/images/9/91/Chris_Nosen.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190208165017[/img] Name: AJ Davis Age: 22 Bio: Grew up with loving parents. HAs older sister and brother. Went to boarding school since he was a teenager (13-18 yrs old). HIs best friend is more like a brother. He is more reserved and quiet.