[center][h1][color=#EEE8AA]Ezekiel Kel[/color][/h1] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/266165425/original.gif[/img] [I][color=#EEE8AA]Location:[/color][/i] The Arena -- Camp Half-Blood[/center] [hr][hr] Ezekiel glanced at Rebecca and simply nodded, he didn’t think she wanted to hear another apology from him. At least his first apology had been genuine, this time he was simply making a joke and it clearly missed its mark. Demetri and Leda showed up with Arthur and few others in tow. Demetri looked at Ezekiel, looking a little green from his sudden speed run with Leda before he threw up his previous meal on the ground. Ezekiel sidestepped the soiled ground and held back a wicked retort, which in hindsight he should have said because of what Demetri did say. Ezekiel narrowed his eyes on the boy child before shifting his hand, catching the light and bent it into Demetri’s eyes. It wasn’t a blinding thing like he had used in Capture the Flag but it was enough to hopefully shock and irritate little Zeus. Ezekiel watched Rosie float down in her chair to Chiron before he took his seat, his patient officially out of his care. He made little handshakes with some of his half-siblings as he sat with them before settling in to listen to Chiron. He frowned a little when he heard about a talking skull killing his master. There weren’t many talking skulls here so he was easily able to put two and two together. It was always unfortunate when someone died at camp but for someone’s gift to turn on them, that was bizarre but then again, Hades was bizarre. Rosie spoke up and mentioned the prophecy, Ezekiel shifted uncomfortably while his siblings leaned in, intrigued by the message and the potential quest of honor. Ezekiel was a little bit more interested in traveling to their sister camp. They hadn’t gotten together in quite a long time and it was always fun competing against the opposite houses. He wondered if this was going to be a joint quest. People started to stand, volunteering and Ezekiel was hardly surprised when Kristen was the first to stand. Little miss perfect princess, of course. It annoyed him to no end that her house was included in this but the upside, none of the big three were included, although that didn’t seem to stop some of them from volunteering to travel to the sister camp. Ezekiel couldn’t completely blame them for that. When you elected to remain at camp year round, one tended to become a little stir crazy. Ezekiel looked back at Rosie and she met his eyes. He gave her a bit of a look before looking at the other Apollo kids then back to Rosie, trying to get across [i]‘does it have to be me’[/i] thing but Rosie just simply kept looking at him, not really getting the poor sign language Ezekiel was trying to use. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He was a child of Apollo, a child of sun and a child of medicine, maybe he would be tasked with the job of healing rather than fighting. After a moment more, Ezekiel stood up and volunteered himself for whatever hell he was about to willingly walk into. He would have to ask Rebecca to help him gather as much supplies as he could carry for the quest because they would probably need a lot.