Cs Name: Red Reaper Gender: Female Species: High Elf Age: 800 Room Number: Rooming With: Alignment: Neutral Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8f/d5/7b/8fd57b4509a3e32c9ece9b1adcdaf81f.jpg[/img] Personality: Red Reaper is an extremely serious Shaman who will do whatever it takes to do her job. Other Shaman may call her dark but she is decended from the best. She knows what she is doing and she won't let anyone tell her how to do her job. Red Reaper is willing to Soul Bind evil souls and even Soul Devour. This kills the evil souls so they don't go to the Soul Realm and it gives her the power she needs to protect other souls. Red Reaper is a kind person and she will try to make friends with everyone but with her social awkwardness that isn't easy for her. She tends to get distracted all the time as she constantly looks into the Soul Realm being it's personal guardian. When she isn't doing that she is actively making notes about everyone out loud about the impressions she has gotten so far and everything she can tell from them. Bio: TBR Power 1: Soul Guardian/Soul Reaper: Red Reaper has two priority jobs. To deliver souls to the Soul Realm while protecting them from evil souls. It is because of this Red Rose can control, manipulate and use souls. She is one of the only Shaman in the world who is granted access to the soul realm due to being a decendent of Yoh. Power 2: Blade Master: Red Reaper can use anything that is remotely a blade and is so skilled with blades that she can utalise special techneiques that only the best swordsman could imagine. Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: