The pilot motioned over to an empty booth, where he sat down along side his Wookie companion. Adam had heard of Wookies before, but they weren't really a common sight on hot desert planets. In spite of how hot it was outside, even this early in the morning, the Wookie's once foul mood had cleared up as soon as the bullies had left. "Han Solo. Captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewbacca here is my first mate." the man said. "What do you need to get to in Alderaan that you can't do taking public transport? It'd certainly be cheaper than hiring me." "Let's just say we really don't like the Empire." Adam responded. Han laughed at this and leaned back in his chair. "I can sympathize, but that means the price goes up. 10,000 credits. In advance." This time it was Adam's turn to suppress a laugh. "You're kidding, right? Is your ship a luxury yacht?" said Adam, wondering if someone else in this place might be a little bit cheaper.