[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/fy2k0zzR/source.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][/center][hr][center][h3][color=f7941d][b]Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 11:40 AM[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/WpKJC0mt/image.png[/img][/center][hr][color=f7941d][b]The Amtrak Station...[/b][/color] A strange look came over Legion's face, seeing the flames and the torrential rain all around them. Ksenia faded into the background of his mind, as the personality of a small, traumatized child came to the front of his mind named Tommy. "M-M-Mommy?!?!?!" Tommy screamed, trying to get up to run away from Novikova but almost instantly tripping and falling to the ground. "I don't take orders from you," Valentine warned Jinx. "Great, Tommy is in control. He's useless. Wets the bed." Novikova stumbled to her feet, hardly remaining still as she was swaying all over the place. [color=add3ff]"Look, if ANYONE is going to beat him..."[/color] she mumbled. [color=add3ff]"Well, her too - it's 2019... Wait, no... Whatever... I'm going to Magneto them,"[/color] Novikova slurred, trying to send metal shards flying at Jinx and the others, but the metal didn't even move. Bonnie's face was bright red and her head was spinning. [color=f6989d]"They can't have done things to us mentally, since we still have the psychic blockers in!"[/color] she exclaimed, hardly able to hear his own voice. [color=f6989d]"So it has to be another type of approach - maybe it's magic? Or chemical or bio systems manipulation? Hmm maybe somehow they were able to change the drugs inside our body, flush us all with alcohol in order to take us out easily. But is it real? Wait it can't be a placebo, since again, that would be mental and we should have that blocked out..."[/color] [color=7851A9]"I appreciate all that mumbo jumbo you're trying to think through, Chase, but y'see I never finished high school, but I learned that what matters is muscle memory,"[/color] Hawkeye lectured her. [color=7851A9]"Why do you think Flynn is so good at hitting them? He made his name hunting mutants!"[/color] He then let an taser arrow fly, missing Jinx completely. He let another one go, missing - but the third one [i]hit[/i]. Jinx was already on fire and with the blows from the taser, this was going to be just about too much for his system - he'd collapse soon enough. [color=7851A9]"Eh, third time's a charm or whatever."[/color][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/5yqyXQGW/image.png[/img][/center][hr][color=f7941d][b]On the Road...[/b][/color] Thanks to Sapphire's blizzard, the cops were unable to continue to pursue the Mutant Underground members. While Waverley's nerves were understandably frazzled over the situation, there weren't any radio messages relayed about officers being down - so most likely, they were all fine. [color=B0B4B0]"I do not know,"[/color] Colossus answered Sapphire grimly. [color=B0B4B0]"Wait, stop!"[/color] he shouted as Feedback pressed her hands down on Magik's chest. The glowing didn't stop - if anything, it only grew more intense as the Soulsword materialized and Magik opened her bloodshot eyes. [color=6B576F]"I need a hit [i][b]NOW[/b][/i],"[/color] Magik practically growled at Waverley, her eyes fixated on her. [color=6B576F]"Give it to me or spend eternity in Limbo, girlie."[/color] [color=B0B4B0]"Illyana!"[/color] Colossus scolded. [color=B0B4B0]"You do not need drugs - you are strong, da?"[/color] [color=6B576F]"Shut the fuck up, Piotr, this doesn't concern you!"[/color] Magik shouted, the light of the Soulsword growing more intense. Meanwhile, Casper was doing his very best to block out all of the noises around him. He didn't know James very well, but physical contact had always helped Casper to calm down before in the past and if he didn't calm down soon, he was pretty sure his head would explode. He could hardly breathe and the son of X instinctively went and curled into James, shuddering. [color=DBA1DE]"It's her mom - she won't go away,"[/color] he whispered, though Feedback would be able to hear him. [color=DBA1DE]"I-I-I c-c-can't bring her back and I-I-I-I can't.... I c-c-c-can't...."[/color] [color=DBA1DE]"I'm sc-sc-scared of ghosts,"[/color] he then stammered. Ben had vanished for the moment, something that Casper was not going to complain about due to his severe sensory overload. He just wanted to curl up in a ball somewhere dark and warm for a little while. At the very least since they lost the police, Sapphire would be able to get them back to the Mutant Underground soon. [color=f7941d][b]Sinister's Lair - Sabretooth's Hallway...[/b][/color] Sinister stared at Spark Plug for a moment, before chuckling. [color=8E6BB3]"Oh, my - I do admire your [i]spunk[/i],"[/color] he commented, the words dripping from his mouth with a poisonous ease. [color=8E6BB3]"Although Luna, if you are going to trade in quips, you're wasting your time. A good threat carries far more [i]weight[/i], provided that you mean it."[/color] The master geneticist smiled and snapped his fingers, as three figures appeared behind him. [color=8E6BB3]"I always have adored a bit of theatre... This is my lovely lieutenant, [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/x-men/images/c/c5/Philippa_Sontag_002.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100113221331]Arclight[/url], a veteran of a recent Middle Eastern conflict. Her abilities over shockwaves allow them to shatter your bones completely."[/color] [color=8E6BB3]"[url=https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/scale_small/0/77/197542-81275-riptide.jpg]Riptide[/url], of course, can move his body at unnatural speeds to generate tornadoes - and fling out deadly shurikens in the process. In such close quarters, this will likely prove fatal to his targets. And oh, I am certain you recognize the poor soul the lovely Malice is inhabiting - the lesser of the Summers brothers, Havok."[/color] Havok was staring at them with a cruel smirk on his face, a strange black choker necklace around his neck. [color=8E6BB3]"Handle these three, my [i]Marauders[/i],"[/color] Sinister instructed, before vanishing into thin air. [color=935DB8]"Odd choice of jewelry for Havok - how much do you want to bet we take it off, he goes back to normal?"[/color] Veil muttered to her comrades. That was all she was able to say, before the fight began. Malice sent off a blast at Spark Plug, narrowly missing the electricity manipulating mutant. Arclight extended her hands and sent a gigantic shockwave at Glimpse, sending the daughter of Captain Britain flying backwards into one of the walls, hitting it hard. Riptide spun himself rapidly, generating a cyclone and sending shurikens out but Veil threw up force fields quickly, causing all of the shurikens to hit the fields and fall to the ground harmlessly. [color=f7941d][b]Sinister's Lair - the Laboratory...[/b][/color] Sunshine practically gagged at Jack's description on how he morphed his hands into keys normally - that was [i]disgusting[/i]. She didn't even want to know what happened to his bones when he used his powers. The more she thought about it, the more she had to hold back the urge to vomit all over the laboratory floors. Trying her best to focus on the task at hand - knowing that it would lead her towards getting vengeance for Erg and revenge for her latest abduction - she started moving around the lab. Awkwardly, she couldn't read the signs on the cabinets. Her English reading skills were very much practical and functional - words that she saw repeatedly, like on traffic signs and the such, definitely not things like [i]corrosive acids[/i] or [i]hazardous waste[/i]. [color=#DAF7A6]"Hey, Marshmallow, what does--,"[/color] Sunshine began to ask, only to turn around and see that Jack was on the [i]phone[/i]. He was asking about someone called Mister Sinister, a name she hadn't heard before but it didn't sound great from context, especially with the revelation that Jack's father killed [i]Morlocks[/i] or at the very least tried to. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she could trust Jack given who his father was... but for all Sunshine knew, her father could easily be evil as well. She couldn't judge Jack for things someone else did. Besides, he was too nice to be evil and to secretly have a hand in Erg's death. [color=#DAF7A6]"No way, not yet - we still don't know why they killed Erg,"[/color] Sunshine pointed out to Jack, crossing her arms. [color=#DAF7A6]"You can run away if you want to, but I'm not leaving until these Nazi fucks pay."[/color] [color=f7941d][b]Sinister's Lair - the Wardrobe Suite...[/b][/color] Emma was doing her very best to be patient with Max - she was here for Leighton, not him, yet she sensed that he was important to her niece so she was attempting to humor him. [color=E0F6FD][i]"Child, I have stopped him,"[/i][/color] she corrected Max. [color=E0F6FD][i]"He will no longer be a threat to anyone - you have my word."[/i][/color] Emma then walked back over to the chaise, lacing her fingers in front of her. [color=E0F6FD][i]"Beyond running a Fortune 500 company, I am the leader of an organization that is attempting to create a mutant homeland. I'm here for my niece as I wish to protect her - and this facility is not mine. The both of you need to leave immediately. I can have a car sent to you to collect you if you wish."[/i][/color] There was then a [i]meow[/i] as a black cat darted out from underneath the sofa, hissing slightly at Leighton and Emma. The cat had three eyes instead of two, the three eyes forming a triangle rather than a straight line.