[center][h2]Jerius "Mando" Wren-Tomb of Freedan Nadd, Dxun[/h2][/center] The clone's response wasn't immediate as he remained where the Sith had thrown him, his breathing labored. After a moment, however, he managed to both respond and struggle to his feet. "No, Eri'Moram, he was not. Dar'jetii is the Mandalorian term for the Jedi's most prominant enemy, the Sith." He began limping towards the Tarantetek, his beskad in hand. "They are powerful wielders of the Dark Side of the Force, as well as skilled duelists." Passing one of the Unggoy, he rests his other hand on the alien's shoulder. "Your team is wasting their time searching for him, he used a cloaking technique common to both Sith Assassins and Jedi Shadows." Setting down to the task of removing the beast's head. After a couple of moments, he gasped sharply and set down the blade, leaning against a nearby wall. "Haar'chak, but that toss did more damage than I thought it did..." He looks to Eri and gestures to the dead abomination. "I've done half the job, mind finishing?" [hr] [center][h2]Jason Erthos-Organa Spaceport, Alderaan[/h2][/center] There was no immediate response to the group's claims, the guards barely moved and the Star Barrier warriors only movement was to brace themselves more securely. The tension hung in the air for several minutes as the Scorch Guard and the nearby Clone Marines slowly drew their weapons in case a firefight broke out and the group needed to be evacuated quickly. Fortunately, Bail didn't give that a chance to happen. "So then Master Yoda's intuition was correct." Jason narrows his eyes. "Master Yoda? Just Master Yoda?" The leader of house Organa nods before signalling the guards to stand down, though they only relaxed, no one's weapons moved too far from a ready to fight position. "He was unsure of the exact source of impending aid, but he sensed that we would soon have new allies of our own against Palpatine and his new ally." Despite his experience working with Jedi during the Clone Wars, he was still...skeptical of what he was hearing. "Though we had naturally assumed that this aid would come from Wild Space, or maybe even the Unknown Regions." Jason's frown only deepens as Bail continues speaking. "Reasonable ideas, all things considered, but...what about Obi-Wan? Was Master Kenobi not with him?" The Senator's solemn face says it all, but he speaks anyways. "Master Kenobi fell fighting against the traitor Sheev Palpatine while Master Yoda went to speak reason to Anakin. His loss is...strongly felt." [hr] [center][h2]Jerus Je'and-Prancing Nexu, Nar Shaddaa[/h2][/center] "No, no, not the person we just did a job for, the person who the job was targeted at. The Exchange boss is already calling for someone to hit against Godda's own lieutenants, but there aren't many bounty hunters with sense crazy enough to go after the Cartel in their own turf, and we're not about to take a job against the guy who's about to give us our payouts. We'll keep an eye on this feud though, the main Exchange bosses are going to make sure Mardna learns a lesson about overstepping her authority if she doesn't slow down. That'll be a good payout." He turns as a Weequay walks in a makes his way to the table, looking around before taking a seat with the trio. "Word travels fast and the word is that you three took out Mardna's lieutenants without any issue and so close together, she thinks it was one of the Assassin's guilds. So, in appreciation, Godda doubled the pay and offers the services of this [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/21e6c134-d10b-4330-a724-3de7cf6eac21.jpg]droid[/url] for your future endeavors." A clearly refurbished, updated and customized BX series Commando droid walked out. "Greetings, I am D-05E, refurbished BX Commando Droid. You are Jerus Je'and, correct?" The man nods. "You have been registered as my new master, though I was informed to tell you to enter these other two as masters as well when we're able. My primary functions as an espionage and assassination unit, however, I was given access to a numerous number of Protocol Droid languages without their prohibited translation routines." "So in other words, we find it, you know it, you'll translate it for us." The droid nods. "Well, that's helpful." [i]I think.[/i] [hr] [center][h2]XO Kol'Zife-Engaging Imperial Ships in Unknown Sector of Space[/h2][/center] The [i]Resurgence[/i], as Falul did what he knew how to do, did what it did best and had it's fighters fly interception as the bombers made runs on the Venators. Being of an outdated model and with outdated parts compared to the newer versions of ships hitting it, they could do little against them. Kol'Zife opened a channel to the rest of the fleet. "We've got boarding pods and L/AATs full of troops ready to board and capture, but before we try it, we need to cripple an Assimilator if we can." [hr] [center][h2]Mayhem Squad-Walkways of Coruscant, Heart of the Republic[/h2][/center] Mayhem wasted no time, Meteor launching another grenade to scatter a group of upcoming reinforcements before leaping aboard with the rest of the squad. Once they were all on board, and the shuttle had made for the [i]Glasgow[/i]'s bay, Erin counted down on her fingers from five before nodding to the team's resident Zabrak explosive maniac. Pulling out a detonator, he spins it twice before slamming down on the trigger. At first, nothing happens, leaving the N7 soldiers to wonder what that was about, but then the L/AATs chasing them begin falling out of the sky and the Mayhem Squad captain grins. "Keyed EMP weapons, similar to droid poppers and Ion grenades. Fortunately, the tech era being behind us, making sure anything our groups had went unaffected was easy. Plus, there's now 72 hours for the siphon programs that we left behind to continue working before it's noticed they're there."