[center][h3]Ancestral Farmstead[/h3] [b]Level 6 Tora[/b] - (2/60) EXP (level up!) and [b]Level 5 Poppi[/b] - (10/50) EXP (level up!) [b]Tora Stress:[/b] 95/100 and [b]Poppi Stress[/b]: 35/100 [b]Location:[/b] the Land of Adventure [b]Word Count:[/b] 858[/center] With the end of the bizarre battle in sight, others soon joined Peach and Poppi in finishing the Brachydios off. Euden, in his draconic form, held down the monster long enough for the Courier, Geralt, and even a plucky Hat Kid to do their work. Then, with his shapeshifting time up, Euden got out of the way and left the Brachydios to his friends' mercy. After growing to enormous size thanks to one of Kamek's hexes, 6 bashed its head again and again with a giant pickaxe, with such ferocity that he eventually snapped the shaft of his weapon into pieces. Meanwhile, Geralt burned away the meager scales that feebly sought to protect the beast's belly before carving it up, making a brutal mess of the Brachydios' soft parts. Finally, the child -having sufficiently recovering from her stress- grabbed Bowser's hat as she prepared to deliver a [i]coup de grace[/i]. If any possibility of the monster still being alive remained, it was squashed for good as Hat Kid bashed it with a couple punches from her protector's well-armed top hat, sprang off it on the return, and then donned her Fatal Fury hat to end with an exuberant bang. The blow sank into the monster's hide as though it were butter, hastening its reduction to ash. In a matter of moments the once-mighty Brachydios went from a sad carcass to dust on the wind, with only a scant few seconds available for any prospective carvers to do their work. In the middle of the ensuing pile, however, it left its spirit, containing within an image of the monster still blazing with rage and pride. Tora watched the whole thing unfold, feeling a good bit better after receiving a strong potion from the Ace Cadet. While he didn't say much, the look of relief and gratitude on his face spoke loud enough. He stared at Linkle freeing Geralt, and shortly after, the Courier using his ridiculous new hat to spread the effects of his medication across the whole group. Though confused as to how exactly that worked, Tora did not care to look that gift horse in the mouth. When Poppi wearily trudged back over to him the Nopon could clap his wing on her back in adulation. “Hooray! Horrible fight is finally over!” Above the battlefield, the splendorous sky had already begun to fragment, that marvelous golden void returning to the distant epochs and planes from which it had been dreamt. Upon the fatigued, wounded heroes now shone a silver moon and twinkling stars, comforting in their stillness and normality. They illuminated a blighted farmstead overlooking a great step, and miles away flickered the lights of the Hamlet and Lumbridge. Around the battlefield, the heroes pieced themselves together, trying to shake off the stress that had settled over them like coats of candlewax. [i]No fatalities,[/i] the Nopon realized, manifesting a joyful smile. Tora broke out into a spinning, bouncing dance around his gathered friends, cheering for a job well done. Quite unable to restrain herself, Poppi joined in, doing a sort of jig with her hands on her hips. They danced without any care for an onlooker's judgment, since after getting a peek at true madness anyone present would be hard-pressed to see such a thing as anything more than blowing off steam, or wholehearted celebration. The battle, after all, was won. [hider=Results!] [b]Party:[/b] Yankee's Ace Cadet, DracoLunaris' Bowser, Bowser Jr, & Kamek, Stekkman's Centurion, ProPro's Courier 6, MULTI__MEDIA_MAN's Geralt, Dawnrider's Hat Kid, Gentlemanvaultboy's Linkle, thedman's Michael & Franklin, Tora & Poppi [b]Encounter Reward:[/b] 13 EXP [b]Never Miss a Beat Bonus:[/b] Linkle, Geralt, Courier 6, Bowser, Bowser Jr, and Kamek [b]Never Miss a Beat Reward:[/b] 3 EXP [i]This encounter's bonus went to those who posted every round. Great work![/i] [b]Spirits Available:[/b] 24x Farmhands, 4x Foremen, 4x Scarecrows, 2x Sleeper's Dream, 1x Plow Horse, 1x Thing from the Stars, 1x Brachydios[/hider] A short time later, Tora rolled onto his back, breathing heavily but still grinning. He lay there in the dust of trampled fossils and stared up at the stars, so familiar and welcome. Now that the adrenaline had run dry, every movement took a concerted effort. He felt ready to fall asleep there and then. Poppi saw him fighting to keep his eyelids open and smiled. “We should get back to town. Poppi bet everyone need long rest after that.” Peach nodded, only just realizing how tired she was herself. As horrible as the hilltop battle had been, she couldn't picture it keeping her awake. Whether or not she'd have good dreams, of course, was another matter. She took a step and almost fell over, holding her arms outstretched to keep her balance. “Wooh...ugh. I don't know if I should drive.” Crossing her arms, Poppi peered down the hill. At its foot sat Brother Grimm, just where the group left it. “Poppi could do it. Watched Peach on way here, and since it just wilderness, should be pretty easy.” Nodding sleepily, Peach told her, “Thank you,” before looking around at everyone else. She glanced at the koopas' newly-recovered clown car, then at Michael leaning on Franklin's shoulder, then the various spirits scattered around, then Euden, who'd become human again and recovered what was left of his shoes. “Let's...make sure everyone's okay to travel, then get going. The sooner we're back in Lumbridge...the better.” [hr] The trip back passed by like the start of a dream. Those able to sleep could nod off at any time, especially after the somewhat rugged terrain of the Ancestral Steppe gave way to flat plains. With minimal difficulties Poppi got the monster truck cruising, ferrying the heroes back to a well-deserved rest. [center][h3]Germ Warfare[/h3] [b]Location:[/b] Clik Clak Diner, Lumbridge, Land of Adventure [@TruthHurts22][/center] A few seconds turned into a minute, which became two, lapsing into four. For whatever reason the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/nightinthewoods/images/4/4f/Germm.png/revision/latest?cb=20170414021846]bird guy[/url] kept looking at Phoenix, staring with a wide-open eye from his seat in the [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/k0KZ-F3AYBw/maxresdefault.jpg]Clik Clak Diner[/url] where the lawyer and his newest self-determined client had settled down for the time being. He didn't get any food, and the waitress didn't come over the ask, no doubt familiar with the habits of this particular customer. Phoenix was a little familiar as well, but the two never really met. Jeremy Warton, better known by his preferred pseudonym 'Germ Warfare' to anyone who cared to interact with him, stood out as a loner and a bit of an oddball. He couldn't even be considered a Lumbridge resident, since the feathery fellow seemed to prefer to forego living in the town in favor of a tree in some nearby woods instead. Like so many of the folks in the World of Light he came across with no friends or family from his home, and when asked, he'd only ever say he was 'from somewhere.' Nothing particularly unusual or interesting stood out about him, but he remained a mystery, which meant Phoenix couldn't imagine why Germ chose to stare at him this particular night. Some time after Pat satiated his paranoia and settled down for a milkshake, a brusque squawk reached him from the booth where he knew Germ lurked. “'Ey.” When he looked he found Germ leaning over the seat back, looking at him again. “Saw ya talkin' to Houndmaster yesterday. Lawyer, lawman, makes sense. Gotta suck to have to explain what you do to people.” Like this diner, and Phoenix Wright himself, Germ stood out as a rare spot of modernity in the decidedly old-fashioned town of Lumbridge. Everything from the rafters of the tallest inn to the muddy bottom of the river Lum that split the town screamed 'medieval', but here he was. Maybe Germ, at least, was used to being an outsider. “Tell me about another case you solved,” Germ said. [center][h3]A Revenant[/h3] [b]Location:[/b] Outside RCPD, Dead Zone [@Hokagae][/center] “Wait a moment!” Barely had Death gotten a few steps closer to the police station than a cautionary voice sounded out from behind him, urging him to stop. When he turned he saw a young man in classy albeit edgy garb, very slender but still capable-looking. A gas mask covered his face, and from atop it stared a red eye, its opposite beneath the man's hair. “There's some sort of barrier around the place,” he explained. “Once you notice it, you're already stuck inside.” He scanned the windows, looking for activity. “A lot of people are trapped in there.” he murmured. “And now I know there's a killer on the loose in there with them. And unlike me, they'll stay dead.” For a moment an ugly, angry look possessed him, but he suppressed it a moment later. Clearing his throat, he addressed Death again. “Forgive me, you're hurt. Here, this will help.” He cast some sort of blood magic, sending a red mote into Death that instantly healed a portion of his wounds. “Now then. I will go back inside, of course, but unless you want to be trapped until our little problem is resolved, you should steer clear.” He lingered with the Horseman another moment, in case Death harbored any questions or helpful hints for him. [center][h3]Nero[/h3] [b]Location:[/b] Outside RCPD, Dead Zone[/center] Not noticing Joker's detour to the third floor, Nero headed down to the assembly in the main hall. There he deposited his newfound loot and lent an ear to what everyone had to say. He'd hoped for good news, but instead Blazermate had something to share that made the whole situation a lot more complicated: there was a killer running rampant. A few groups departed to different parts of the station in order to gather the civilians. Nero watched them go with a wincing sort of expression, hoping that none would run into this knife-wielding psycopath. Since everyone knew what the guy looked like thanks to the medarot's testimony and the killer let her go specifically to tell the others, Nero doubted that he would still be trying to blend in with civilians, but anything could happen. When Fox appeared, bearing nothing less than exactly what everyone needed, the devil hunter couldn't help but chuckle. “Well, alright then.” Scratch one problem. All that needed to be done was the offering itself. Fortunately, Donovan Lee stepped up to the place. The survivors could not have asked for a better proposition than a ritual-experienced monk with pre-prepared, nonperishable chow. Summoning that luggage was a handy trink, now that Nero took note of it. What Nico wouldn't give to get one of those. He stood around while Donnie rehearsed the act of placing food, placing incense, and lighting incense. Nero didn't know who could mess up such a simple process, but at least it didn't take too long. During that period, a group returned from the western wing. Ratchet and Blazermate reappeared alongside V, Lucatiel, and Leon, all three of them restored by the medarot's healing talents. By the time Donnie finished practicing a few volunteers were already ready to accompany him, Nero among them. Ms. Fortune wanted to come along too, looking eager to get back at the ghost that spooked her before. “Okay, let's go. No time to waste.” Captain Howard nodded. He, Jill, and Ghalt would be staying behind to make sure that all the civilians gathered together in one piece, and that no away teams failed to return. “Good luck up there, kids,” he told them, his face determined. It was past time everyone got to safety. A handful of seconds after Nero's group left, Joker appeared from a side door with a couple of unfamiliar civilians. He looked worse for wear, both hurt and rattled, and those with him looked haunted. "What happened?" Howard asked, suddenly feeling responsible for the kid getting lost. [hr] The dispersion party moved quickly and in single file, every pair of eyes flitting between corners and shadows in a constant, vigilant search for unknown assailants. Fortune's baby blues on particular maintained a high alert, peering into darkness inscrutable for her allies, but even she turned up nothing. As such the crew arrived in the Library in only a couple minutes, wherein it proceeded to the second floor and finally to the incongruous door the feral, the bear, and the bird explored earlier. Since Donnie carried the supplies Nero took point, pushing into the unknown adjunct with a steely expression. Nothing but dilapidated wood and quaint talismans. His breathing steady, Nero took a left and led the way into a longer room, littered with the hefty splinters of a brutalized table. In its left wall lay she shutterless window Fortune remembered, an unceremonious cut-out square that looked out into a stygian blackness. Now it was the others' turn to comprehend the existence of impossible space, and shudder. This time, however, no giant ghoul loitered outside to give a maleficent look or to try and smash a hero flat, so everyone could march across the room and to the stairs on the other side. Nero ducked around a hanging strand with large, disk-shaped beads, placing his mechanical hand on the banister as he turned at the halfway point. The room directly above the splinter hall appeared to be some sort of workshop, with a few large desks and plenty of both cloth and rubber scraps, but no ghosts. Still in single file the crew pressed on through a handful of other rooms. In one of them, the largest, the only other door was locked, and when Nero suggested the group retrace it steps, the door them came through turned up locked as well. After that, however, the first could be opened, and everyone headed through. As Nero neared the fifth door he came to a sudden stop, motioning for quiet. A heavy, raspy breathing could be heard, like an asthmatic fighting for air. The devil hunter nodded and made ready, trusting the others to do the same. When the fifth door slid open, it revealed a much larger room. Cabinets and cupboards lined the walls, but only rectangular tables stood out in the copious floor space. Most notable, the room didn't have a roof, exposing the pitch-black above, and the enormous figure that hung within. The Preta loomed over the southern wall, above a small table with nothing on it except candles in the four corners. Movement drew the ghost's attention, causing it to reach out one massive, bony hand as soon as intruders stepped inside. Nero's body went on autopilot. In one fluid motion he drew the Red Queen and slashed at the incoming hand, only for the blade to pass straight through as if nothing were there. Before he could register what happened the giant hand closed around him and began to pull him close, but Nero activated his Gerbera arm to blast out of the deadly grip and toward the back of the room. Fortune slid under a table, hiding herself from the Preta's gaze. “Under cover!” she hissed, and grudgingly Nero obliged. The Preta watched the room, its roving eye looking over all quadrants. If it saw someone it would reach down to grab them, too fast for something its size, but otherwise it simply searched, picking up a table at random every dozen seconds or so. From the moment it stole the first one, Nero knew that his team was on a timer; they needed to avoid getting caught while setting up the offering, but their hiding spots wouldn't last forever.