[h1][center] Serene Drakos [/center][/h1] Any hopes that they'd have the answer were dashed, but at the same time, Serene moved closer to her Caster, the information provided by the city's AI clearly taking her both aback, and perhaps a bit overwhelming. Then again... [i]"Could this be...the work of whoever caused the command seal anomaly?[/i] The thought of other servants being turned into a situation like that Berserker, running amok, did not fill her with joy, even though it was unlikely that was the case. Familiars that servants were, and given her own awareness of how some saw servants as little more than tools, made her wonder just what kind of person would well...be behind all this. [i]"More than one trouble maker would make the situation a lot harder to defuse, I imagine." [/i] Her slightly faked confidence aside, it was clear Serene was concerned. Not just for her own safety, but how her father would react to the news if shit hit the fan hard. She'd probably be recalled back to the US, and she had just gotten here, so such was...far from ideal.