Add another story! [hider=Heart and Sword - medieval fantasy drama, arranged marriage] During the Red War, the King of Valdor had a young general (YC) who led his men through victory after victory, defeating each of the King's enemies with an almost inhuman determination. Once the war ended after much bloodshed, the King made the general retire early and bestowed upon him the title of Lord and all the advantages that came with it. To keep him grounded, the King arranged a marriage between him and the daughter (MC) of another lord with whom the King was well acquainted. The daughter, while stunningly beautiful, has no interest in marriage. She had found ways to keep herself from being married since she first became of age. When she discovers that she has been forced into a marriage she cannot escape, it is safe to safe that she is less than pleased. Especially when she learns she is betrothed to the infamous general of the Red War. The bastard son of a noble lord who wants nothing to do with him and a common woman who is considered an outcast of noble society. There will be magic, monsters and adventure as the married couple get to know each other. [/hider]