[center][h1][color=purple]Death[/color][/h1][/center] [center]Location: Dead Zone - Regraccon Police Department[/center] [center]Word Count: 310[/center] [hr] Death stopped and turned quickly to face the owner of the voice that had just called out to him. A rather young human dressed in a strange outfit stood across from the Horseman. The two things about him that stood out the most were the unusual mask and the man’s red eye. Death listened as the stranger explained that the building he was about to enter had a barrier that prevented escape once inside. There were apparently people already stuck inside there which Death knew that this was most likely to be the group he had been searching for. The Reaper was still suspicious of this stranger, especially when he noticed the masked man flashed an angry look for just a moment. However, he apologised and casted some form of magic towards Death which healed some of the Horseman’s wounds. It seemed the stranger intended to go inside and Death, not having any questions for the moment, joined him. Once the two entered the RCPD through the main entrance, Death noticed what the man was talking about previously involving the strange magic that surrounded the place. Trying to exit the building through the way he just came but not getting any luck in actually leaving, Death sighed to himself as he turned back to join the stranger. The Horseman could see that there was quite a few people situated in the Main Hall and he wondered if this was all or if there was any more elsewhere. [color=purple]”Who, out of all of you, is in charge here? I have been informed that you’ve got a killer loose in this building.”[/color] The Horseman would be inclined to offer up his help to these people should they need it. And it did seem like they did, given that they were all trapped and had an active threat in the place with them.