[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/grunge-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191206/11ddfe85fa3982fb45bcb93dadcbcd91.png[/img][/url] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F49.media.tumblr.com%2F523f085ef9342c03d7efa27ff9e5eb4f%2Ftumblr_njkbyyvPFP1u9ahiuo1_500.gif&f=1&nofb=1[/img][/center] Sitting there listening to Henderson drone on - which to be honest, his speeches were never the worst, but that oxy was really taking effect and if he wasn't gonna be loopy, he was definitely going to fall down the drowsy route. Pulling out his phone he began to surf insta, snap, twitter and reddit - his normal go-tos; and since he was at it, might as well post a little something something for his [i]"followers"[/i]. He had to laugh out loud at that thought, as if he had some kind of following. It was mainly the Knights and the Saints. Of course with the few exceptions here and there. [hider=Insta Post] [center][img]https://generatestatus.com/generated-images/inpost/06-01-2020r786o_gsimage.png[/img][/center] [/hider] [color=FFA500][i]"Ffffffuck..."[/i][/color] he grumbled as he stood up, stretching his long ass limbs as everyone began exiting the auditorium, heading to their designated classes. Kicking off the new year as dutiful cows to slaughter. He shook his head, taking inventory of his choices for the day. [color=FFA500]"It's not like shit is gonna get done today..."[/color] he tried to reason with himself as to whether or not he was going to skip or join in on the rest of his fellow inmates. [color=FFA500]"However, I'm probably gonna crash soon and I didn't bring the mom-mobile to pass out in..."[/color] Regardless of the options he was weighing under his breath, his feet moved of their own accord and dragged him to his first class, English. It was filling up quite quickly, despite others loitering in the halls, waiting until the last minute before dashing to their classes once the warning bell would sound. Instead of heading in the room, he waited outside the door, just leaning against the wall. He took notice of his friends and their interactions. People watching was one of the best things to do while in high school, might as well utilize the close proximity. Daze looked to be in a huff about something, Jules didn't seem like she was in a much better mood. [color=FFA500][i]'Probably something to do with one another,'[/i][/color] he thought with a sigh. Ah, the joys of siblings. As he thought more about it, he shook himself clear of idle watching everyone so that he could duck into his homeroom in order to avoid catching his brother's gaze and having him pester him about his shiner. As he made it into the room, he took to the back of the class, squeezing into those tiny contraptions of fake wood and metal - this shit was gonna totally fuck with his growth - if he had anymore to grow. Waiting for the rest of the class to arrive, and the teacher too for that matter, Lance took to laying his head down on his crossed arms that rested on the desk top. He had a feeling that the day was going to drag on, in the worst way possible.